...It's because I'm sick

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——————the trip———

This was it. The Great Expansion was finally taking place. According to the Great Book, expansion was necessary. It was important that the Mogadorian race prevail and survive. Setrákus Ra, the Beloved Leader himself quoted Conquer all that is in our way.

The trip to the lush planet before them from their own barren planet was boring, long, and awkward. At least it was for the little mog boy.

He had sat with his mother who was trying to comfort his younger sister who had been crying and screaming. Adam has looked down at his feet when he caught wind of one of his best friend's glares at his baby sister. He knew he should stand up for her but he could hardly stand up for himself.
...Especially for himself.


A little mogadorian, trueborn boy, skinnier than the others and more runty, watched as the warships descended on the planet below.

He watched not in fascination as carnage was brought to Lorien but rather focused on the warships themselves. Huge with so many commands of your choice to unleash. The young mogadorian was thinking how he wanted to pilot one of those one day. He remembered when his father, the General, had brought him up to the control panel and showed him which levers and commands did which destructive actions with pride but perhaps a bit boredom too. The General was always more of a frontman than a technological wiz like those who were actually stationed at the room.

When he brought his focus back to the futile attempts of the Loric to overcome their armies, he wasn't as happy as expected. He instead watched as fires and ash blew across the dark horizon and could practically hear the various screams of pain and despair through the atmosphere and glass. The bodies of the Loric and their beasts, blood washing the grass and dirt dark red.

His stomach twisted and he felt dizzy as he swallowed thickly, mouth dry and thoughts fleeting as his eyes darted around the horrible scene before him. He looked at the glass and focused on his slightly visible reflection, the horrible scenes hazy as he shifted his focus for a few seconds. In those seconds, he saw his wide dark eyes, clammy pale skin, and the horror he felt was practically tangible as you looked at his haunted gaze. He held his stomach and walked back a few steps so that he wasn't in direct view of the planet. He looked at his mother chatting happily with the other moms, his baby sister sleeping deeply in her arms. He looked at the kids laughing and jeering shouts at the Loric who were unable to even hear them.

In those few steps, the world changed. Down below, lives were taken before their time and a planet grew weak and dark. Up on the ships, celebrations took place with happy mingling mothers and ecstatic children not yet understanding what a great scene this was to Mogadorian history. He understood.

However, he wanted nothing to do with it. He felt out of place and out of reach from the world he was born into. He didn't feel like he belonged. He didn't feel like a Mogadorian.

"Adamus! Isn't this great!? Look at those Loric scum trying to fight off our great armies!" His best friend Ivan declared with joy and hate clouding his dark eyes.

Ivan sighs in disappointment. "I wish we could get a better view and fight them too. Staying on the ship is lame. Right, Adam?" Ivanick looked at the runty mog boy who put on a confident smile and nodded, feeling sick at the thought his friend put in his head.

Ivan dragged him back to the window and pointed out different gruesome deaths that were visible to them shouting with glee and hollering at each death. Adam participated half heartedly and even pointed out some of the deaths himself to save face with Ivan. Granted, the deaths he showed were less gruesome and more quick. He didn't want to see the Loric get taunted and murdered slowly and drawn out. It felt too cruel and made Adam want to throw up. He leaned his forehead against the cool glass and closed his eyes. His head felt hot and he was sweating.

"Are you okay, Adam? You don't look so good." Ivan commented glancing at the nine year old beside him before focusing back on the scene that held his interest.

Adam waved him off. "Fine. I think I'm getting sick is all. I don't feel a hundred percent." He convinced himself he wasn't lying. He didn't feel good.

Ivan nodded detachedly. "Sure dude. Just get some of Beloved Leaders augmentations later and you'll be good as new."

Adamus nodded once more before taking that as an opportunity to leave the horrifying sight Ivan and the other mogs are enraptured with. He began walking away but turned back to look at his tall for his age, well built friend watching the battle with excitement.

(Adam's POV)

I sighed.

Why am I not enjoying this as much as I ought to. Even if I'm sick I should still take part in the excitement. 

I shake my head and am about to turn away when I see in the distance a bright light. After I quick glance around, I conclude that no one else notices.The others were too busy chatting and watching the scene below, not looking straight out the window.

I squint and decipher a rocket, a rickety one at that. The bright light must have been the fossil fuels it must be running on. It definitely is strange to be running on them especially with the Loric and the our race so advanced. I almost expect it to fall out of the air based on how ancient it looks but I also know it's sturdy enough to make it as my mind quickly calculates the odds. Although, I don't have enough information about the rocket to delve too deep and before I know it, it is out of view.

My mind works a million miles a minute. Our ships are nothing like that so it must be a old Loric ship. I need to report it immediately so that the generals are aware and we can get it.

...but my feet won't move. I stay frozen in my spot staring dumbfounded at the window.
A tiny voice whispers to me, don't do it. And strangely enough, I want to listen.
...and even stranger, I do listen.

(Third Person POV)

He puts his mind at ease saying it won't make it anywhere running on those old fuels and it was probably a figment of his imagination. After all, he does feel ill. It's because I'm sick, he decides. He chooses to ignore the fact that there isn't much evidence on him being actually sick, instead not thinking deep about it. He knows there is holes in this theory but he doesn't acknowledge them.

He stays hesitantly in place before shrugging it off. Even though it is lingering in the back of his mind, he soon forgets about it when he looks down the window and sees more deaths. An injured chimaera gets slaughtered by a piken. (AN: I actually hated writing that sentence but it didn't sound right without describing what makes Adam feel sick again) Adam's stomach rolls and he grits his teeth and turns around.

He walked back and sat next to his mom who gave him a short doting look before resuming her conversation with the other women.

He closed his eyes and tried to block out the screams of the Loric his mind created. Shake it off, this is good. The great expansion must happen and they are in the way. Adam repeated this in his head like a mantra, eyes squeezed closed while cold sweat clinged to him and his heart thundered.

Yet, as much as he repeated it to himself, it just didn't stick and one thought was sticking in his head he didn't want. He heard it in between heart beats.

This isn't good. What will happen now??
...ba boom ...ba boom

This isn't good. What will happen now??

...ba boom ...ba boom

Adam didn't have an answer.

And he wasn't sure he completely wanted one.

Or ever would.
Hi guys. I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! Adam is awesome and I liked writing young Adam having doubts already. If you didn't guess, the old rocket ship was the ship Ella was on and escaped with Crayton, Zophie, and Lexa. I thought it would be interesting to put that. I love Adam as a character and totally ship AdamXOne.
😭😭😭 So sad!!! I love Dust too. If you haven't already, you should totally read the Lost Files on Adam's POV and learn more about his life and his relationship with the dead garde, dust, and Rex. (The Fallen Legacies, The Search for Sam, and The Forgotten Ones)
Thank you if you read this chapter... it means a lot! Don't forget to vote and comment-I'd really like to hear from you guys. Bye!

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