You were staring.

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Hi, this is the longest chapter I have ever written so I hope you enjoy. It's a jix chapter.
About 1968 words not including this little bit.


Six shifted her position for what seemed to her like the tenth time, in her desk, facing the projection. She was so uncomfortable that it wasn't even funny. It also didn't help that the projection was the same one she'd seen many times before. 

"Dog," the voice spoke. "The dog runs." The dog indeed ran through grass as the voice had said.

Six hated this part of the journey. The garde had to learn the languages of the planet they were going to so they could blend in. The voice that was speaking and teaching them had a loric accent as it said simple sentences and the sentence structures in multiple common Earth languages.

Her fellow garde sat beside her in desks of their own. Six sighed as a strand of raven hair flew into her eyes and huffed at it so it fell to the side. She looked at Seven to her right who was staring at the lesson with her big brown eyes, than at Five on her other side who was leaning her body practically on top of the desk. She seemed to be uncomfortable too at least.

Six leaned back in her chair and propped her chin in her hand, exhaling loudly in boredom, changing her position once again.

Yet, it seems someone had had enough of it. Nine leaned toward Six and scowled. "Will you stop that?! It's distracting and annoying!"

Five looks back at him. "Like you aren't already distracted and annoyed," she retorted. Six felt kind of grateful to her friend for calling him out.

Nine scowled even deeper. "I wasn't talking to you, Five," he replies bitingly. "And maybe if Six wasn't breathing so loud and moving around so much, I wouldn't be distracted!"

By now, the other garde were paying attention to them instead of the lesson which went on without knowing no one was listening anymore.

Six scowls back at Nine. "Be quiet, Nine!"

"Make me!"

And then there was a quieter voice who tried to interject. "Um, guys." Seven tried to stop the upcoming fight. She looked between them anxiously from her seat. "I don't think this is such a good ide-," she got cut off when they both got out of their seats, her plea going unheard and unanswered.

Six and Nine both stand up to face each other off, Nine's height slightly shorter than Six's. Nine and Six's fists were clenched tightly.

Than a hand came between them.

A hand that was attached to the young Four. "Let it go guys." His voice was quiet yet commanding.

"She's being annoying!" Nine tries to justify.

"I'm being annoying? What about you-."

"Guys!" Four interjects louder. "STOP!" They both knew at once he was serious. His blue eyes were narrowed at them. "Do you guys want to get in trouble, because you will if you keep this up!" He looks at Nine who shifts away still tense but seeming to calm down. Then, he looks at Six, who's glare softens a fraction and than she stares at her feet, impressed by Four for stopping them. Four drops his hand to his side.

But it seemed futile when Brandon walks in and notices something amiss. "What's going on?" He asks looking at the three of them. Nine and Six resembled deer caught in headlights. Then, Brandon's charge steps up to him and answers evenly.

"We're all good, Brandon," he smiles timidly, relaxing and not wanting his friends in trouble. Brandon raises an eyebrow and Six backs up a step and nods with Nine at him slightly embarrassed and the tension gone.

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