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Yoonji: Beomgyu wait!

She followed him. Yoonji held his arm but he shook off from her grip.

Yoonji: Beomgyu what the hell is your problem?

She finally managed to turn him around only to find him with tears rolling down his face.

Yoonji was shocked for she had never seen him cry before.

Yoonji: W-what's wrong?

Yoonji was speechless. Beomgyu turned hia head away as he felt more tears buildin up in his eyes.

Yoonji: Beomgyu...

Beomgyu: Why didn't you just tell me?

Yoonji: What...

Beomgyu: If you would've told me that you're still not over your ex, I would have-

He stopped in the middle of his sentence.

Yoonji: You wouldn't have what?

Beomgyu: I would have stopped myself from falling for you! I like you, Yoonji! You made me believe and hope that maybe you could feel the same towards me but all this time, you didn't!

Yoonji was too shocked to speak. She didn't know how she felt.

Beomgyu: Don't worry. I will find a way to get rid of these stupid feelings.

He pulled his arm arm and left, leaving Yoonji in confusion.


As Yoonji got home, Beomgyu's shoes weren't there so she guessed he still wasn't there. But she thought he did becasue she didn't see him after school anymore. Yoonji decided to wait.

She remembered to situation earlier. She still couldn't believe that Beomgyu liked her. But she like him back.

Yoonji also remembered the accident kiss with Hyunjin. She questioned why she didn't feel anything when it happend. Maybe it was just out of shock but nothing else.

Yoonji: "Do I still like him? Or do I like Beomgyu?"


An hour has passed and he still wasn't home. Yoonji tried call him several times but he did not pick up.

Yoonji couldn't wait any longer for him and she had to go to her part time job.

Yoonji: "I hope he will be home when I come back..."


Yoonji had left from her part time job and walked on her way home.

As she did, she thought about what had happened today. The kiss...she was shocked at that time. Yoonji felt bad for Changmi but it was an accident.

But when they kissed, did she feel something? No, she didn't. Somehow she didn't feel her heart pounding as fast at that moment.

Yoonji: "What exactly do I feel?"


Yoonji arrived back home only to find no one in the apartment.

Yoonji: Where is he?

It was late ao she decided to call him. But of course, he didn't pick up. She would call his friends but she didn't have their number.

She sat on the couch frustrated. She wanted him to come back now and talk with him. Slowly without realizing, her eyes became heavier.

RULES ✔️|| C.Beomgyu TXTWhere stories live. Discover now