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{ Roslyn's POV }

It's been about a month since I met with Reia, Tori's daughter. Since the meeting I've been busy tracking the traitors. I am in the know that the current mafia boss Ander is searching for the 'vigilante', who seems to be helping them without his permission.

Today I'm going to show up at the council meeting, in Greece. Mainly because I just want them off of my back. It's getting annoying having to dodge them all of the time as they hunt for me.

Reia, Cristian, Ezra, Chan, Isabel, Nicolás, Thomas, and the mafia boss himself  Ander Boudreaux ; are all in a meeting.

I walk through the doors slamming them open for dramatic effect, and I put on my best smile as I strut in as if I own the place, because in my head I do.
I own anywhere my feet touch.

"Who are you, and what is your purpose here?!"Ander questions with a harsh tone

"Calm yourself, you can just call me the answer to your prayers because I'm here to help."
I say with a smirk

Ander returns the smirk with one of his own, as he smoothly pulls out a gun. It probably would've had more of an effect on me if I didn't have mine pulled out as well. I point mine towards him at the same time, making his eyebrows raise a little from shock.

Everyone stands up and I laugh putting my gun down and I say "Relax and sit back down, I'm only making a point."

"What is your point?" Ander asks

"To show you that I don't care who you are, you are just another man that I don't take orders from. I don't get intimidated, that's just not who I if you need to shoot me for appearance sake, then shoot me but I've been shot before. I probably won't be phased." I tell him straight forward

"Doesn't death intimidate you?" Ander asks pushing the gun to my forehead, and I make sure to give him a smile.

"Does walking without a penis intimidate you?" I ask pointing my gun at his manhood

He smirks and backs away both of us lower our guns. "Who are you?" Ander asks

"The vigilante all of you have been looking for."
I answer

"You're the assassin?" Reia asks

I smile and look at Reia "I told you, you'd connect the dots." then I wink at her

"How do you know my wife?" Cristian questions

"We're good acquaintances." I tell him

"What is your name? You glorious woman."
Thomas asks seeming amazed

Gotta love that guy.

"That's the secret, Thomas." I reply

Ander continues to stare at me, more than likely trying to figure me out.

"Why are you here?" Nicolás asks

"To help. I thought that was pretty obvious, being I announced it as soon as I walked in." I answer

"Why do you want to help?" Ezra asks

"Why is that relevant?" I question back 

"Because it is." Ezra says

"Only it isn't." I reply

"I like her." Isabel says

"I'm flattered." I reply again

"So you are the one killing all of our members?" Chan asks

"No I'm the one killing all of your traitors, and I'm tracking the others. I've done more in the last month than any of you have in a year." I tell them

"She has a point." Thomas says

"I always have a point." I add

"Are you always this cocky?" Chan questions

"Yes. Sometimes more than others." I say with a wink

Isabel laughs and Chan just shakes his head.

"I'm considering marrying you!" Thomas says

"I possibly would consider saying yes."
I say with a smile

"Enough! How do you know so much?" Ander asks suspiciously while starring at me, clearly he's frustrated and curious.

"I have my sources." I tell him

"How do you plan to help Ms. vigilante?" Ander asks with slight amusement

"I'm going to help you kill everyone who is coming against the family. Fast and easy. Unlike my sex life... in case you were wondering." I answer

"Good." Ander says with a slight smirk

"I'll see all of you soon enough." I tell them with a wink and then I walk out of the room.

I end up staying in a hotel in Greece, while I come up with a full proof plan to kill the rest of  traitors, and make sure everyone else ends up knowing their place.

Mafia life is stressful.

Assassin life is lonely yet freeing.

Now I'm stuck dead in the middle now.

The Mafia's Omertà ( #3 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now