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Dr Henry Jekyll was annoyed. He woke up with a horrible hangover thanks to his other part, Edward Hyde. He wasn't home with his boyfriend and knew that he would get worried if he was gone too long.

Hastie Robert Lanyon was a patient and kind man. He knew of Henry's problem and understood that he would have to let the other personality do as he pleased. Though he was patient, he still didn't like the blond male taking over his boyfriend's body at night.

Henry looked around the grimy alleyway, noticing that Hyde must have been in another fight. There was a dark bruise on his cheekbone and his lip was cut. Though Hyde may have a different look when they switch, all cuts and bruises stay.

Cursing the blond, Henry hobbled out of the alley and down the street, many passerby's looking at the injured man. Trying to save himself some dignity, Henry straightened and tried his best not to limp from his, most likely, twisted ankle.

About thirty minutes later, Henry stumbled into his flat, startling Robert, when he collapsed at the door. "What the hell, Henry!" He jumped up and pulled Henry to his feet.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about." Henry was led to a chair and Robert assessed his ankle.

"Sure. You're about as fine as a flower that's been stepped on." Robert moves another chair under his boyfriend's injured foot and went to grab an ice pack. "Why didn't you call me?"

"Apparently Hyde lost our phone after the fight." Henry glared at the nearest reflective surface.

'S not my fault. Edward Hyde pouted, arms crossed. Though he would annoy and taunt Henry, he hated when he was mad at him. That man had it coming.

Henry sighed, rubbing his aching head. Robert looked at the mirror, not seeing the other, and shook his head. "You're going to get yourselves killed sooner or later."

Henry shook his head. "That might be what he wants."

Hyde frowned more, shadowy self next to the doctor. You know that's not what I want, Jekyll. Why are you painting me as the bad guy.

"Can you just not exist right now?" Henry snapped at the figure. He was exhausted, hungover, and just wanted to get to bed for a few hours, free of the blond for a while.

"Henry, just ignore him. Do you want to go to bed?" Robert looked at Henry, worried what that blond menace might be telling his pure boyfriend.

"Please." Henry wobbled to their bedroom, with help from Robert of course, and flopped down on the bed.

"Have a good sleep Henry. Rest up. I'll wake you up if there's anything important going on." Robert gave Henry a kiss, smoothing his brown locks back. Henry, half asleep already, mumbled an okay and let the darkness consume him.

Watching the sleeping man for a second, Robert silently closed the door.

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