Hyde Bakes

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A loud yell woke Robert up. He jumped up and looked to his right to find that his boyfriend was not there anymore. This didn't cause any alarm though. It was the curses from the hall, that made him scramble from bed.

Almost tripping over his own feet, he followed the angry cursing to the kitchen. To be honest he was not surprised to find a certain short blond man, flour all over him. He was on his tip toes trying to reach a measuring cup from the cupboard.

Robert laughed internally at the sight. He would never understand the other, as there was a chair he could have easily stood on. He leaned against the door frame watching the scene unfold.

"Shut up Henry. I've got this." Hyde yelled to the air. "No I do not need help."

Pathetically jumping up and down, Hyde let his body fall to the floor in defeat. "Fine. Lanyon, can you help me here?"

Robert, surprised he knew he was there, walked across the room. Reaching up, he put the utensil on the counter. "I guess Henry told you I was there. You're welcome."

"Fuck off." Hyde clambered back to his feet, 'measuring' out way too much sugar for any type of food. He dumped it into a bowl filled with a grayish putty.

Robert cringed at the sight. "What is that?"

"I'm baking cupcakes." Hyde smiled, proud of himself for getting as far as he got without giving up on the project. "You'll be the first to try."

"Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure you poisoned it." Robert looked closer at the mass.

"Don't worry. Henry wouldn't let me kill you, even on accident." Hyde shrugged. He started to stir whatever was in the bowl. "Henry tried to tell me what to do, but I ignored him."

"You really should listen to him more often." Robert watched the blond move to spoon out the dense matter.

"Nah. I'm good." Hyde finished spooning out the sticky clay into cupcake papers and shoved them into the oven.

Robert nodded, preoccupied with the growing gray mass in the oven. He stood back from the oven as if it was a bomb about to blow up. Not wanting to deal with any of this, he left the other to his own devices, praying that he wouldn't die in his sleep.

Waking up a few hours later, Robert noticed the lack of yelling in the kitchen. He stretched and noticed the blond man was leaning over him, smile wide. "It's ready."

Robert felt his stomach drop as Hyde plopped the now dark 'cupcake' in front of him. The stench alone made him retch a bit. Tears were in the corners of his eyes and he tried to cover his nose and mouth. "What the fuck, Edward."

Hyde was looking expectantly at the other, eyes gleaming. "Go on, Lanyon."

"I'd rather not." Robert pushed the thing away from him.

"Coward." Hyde pouted.

Robert tried to keep his eyes away from the other's face, a puppy dog face in full motion. Groaning, he sighed. "Fine."

He ripped off a small piece and popped it into his mouth. Spitting it out immediately, he ran to grab water to rinse his mouth.

"So, how is it?" Hyde watched, grin on his face, as Robert retched into the sink.

"It's great, Edward. Delicious, even." Robert answered, sarcasm dripping from him.

"Don't be so mean. I tried my best." Hyde leaned against the table.

"Whatever. I'm going far away from you now." Robert stood from his seat, taking his morning tea with him, and stalked out of the dining room. "Henry, when you're back, come see me."

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