Entry #6

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Hey guys! This is Hampyeol and I'm back.

Well for today's entry, I don't have anything in my mind right now. I got busy with my school works and I prepared my files for my College.

Well, y'all know that every child has his own dream. Some, wants to be a doctor, lawyer, a pilot, nurse, teacher, you name it all.

Education has been our weapon all along and some doesn't even know the value of it. We're the youth and we are the hope of our country.

We should be the ones who'll mold and shape the world and the future lies in our hands.

And as a Social Media Advocate for the youth, let us not ignore one's education. Everything is temporary but education is permanent that you can bring it until the end of your time.

Nurture education for the future of our nation.

Love lots, Hampyeol.

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