Entry #13

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Hey guys! This is Hampyeol and welcome back!

For this part's entry, here is the continuation of the article I found in the casper.foundation.

Here are keys to quality youth empowerment:

1. Ensure physical and emotionally safety. Young people will learn better and participate more fully when they feel physically and emotionally safe. This environment encourages honesty, trust, and respect among all youth and adults.

2. Have a sense of belonging and ownership. Youth should always feel included and motivated. They should have significant roles as participants and leaders.

3. Help develop self-worth. Young people must feel free to contribute, and their contribution should be accepted, acknowledged, and appreciated.

4. Aid in self discovery. Youth should be encouraged to try new things and they should learn about themselves. As a result they will discover and practice their interests and skills, test their independence, and take control of their lives.

5. Ensure Quality Relationships with Peers and Adults. It is necessary that youth and adults learn together and respect one another. Caring and trusting relationship is very important.

6. Help the youth discuss conflicting values and in the process form their own. They should be given a safe place to talk with other youth and adults about values and topics that are important to them. All beliefs and questions should be respected and taken seriously.

7. Youth should be allowed to feel the pride and accountability that comes with mastery. Goal setting is very important for growth and development.  After achieving the goal the accomplishment needs to be acknowledged and celebrated.

8. Motivated to expand their capacity to enjoy life and know that success is possible. They should be encouraged to learn new skills and always keep on developing their knowledge and experience. It is necessary to continuously remind them of their potential and scope.

Youth is the spring of life. It is the age of discovery and dreams. They have the power to transform the world into a better place. They also have the ability to lead their fellow citizens into the right direction. Youths are fighters. They fight for many problems that the world faces today. Our future lies in the hands of our youths. They are filled with incredible and immense ambitions. It will be a great wastage of human resources if these youths are not given an opportunity to exercise their talent. This beautiful world needs these youths in order for it to become a brighter one.

Love lots, Hampyeol.

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