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The room turns a brilliant shade of blue. Then red. Then white, before finally fading to black in an instant.

Lights flash across the room in various colours, faster than time itself.

A rainbow of epileptic proportions.

The room becomes nauseating as the colours, sounds, shapes and shades begin to spin around in it and become one big mess of nothingness. 

Whiteness covers the screen. A blank canvas has finally been created. Moments later, a hand made out of light rips through the canvas and reveals a series of wires.

It pulls us through the circuit boards, faster than the speed of light and into an empty hallway with three doors. One of them has a silver glow behind it, the other a golden glow and the third has nothing.

"Choose wisely." The voice adds as it echoes into the distance.

We choose the middle door. The non-glowing, non-fancy one because we know better than that. Inside is a bed and a man and a woman making out.

The room is lit up enough for us to see that we're Sad Boy. Or Lee, as the tattoo tells us.

Lee is naked but is wearing a belt around his waist. He covers his genitals and freezes on the spot when he realises where he is.

The floor begins to sink as he looks over at the people on the bed. One of them is Katy, his ex and the other is his 'Uncle' Daniel:

Katy smiles. "Come join us."

Daniel agrees. "Come make art."

Before he can react, he tries to run away but the floor is thick and his feet are trapped. The more he tries to move, the deeper he becomes trapped within the white mush below.

After a few moments, it dries and cracks. Lee falls through the floor and into another room. His feet touch the rubbery floor and bounce a little.

It's his childhood living room. On the large sofa is his mother, Molly and a young Lee with short, dark hair and big, brown eyes:

"Son, do ye promise that when you grow up, ye won't end up like yer sister and date a junkie?" She asks, hugging young Lee tight. "Please, Lee?"

"I'll twy." Is his response, though he doesn't understand it much. All he can see is his Sister, Sarah passed out and beginning to convulse on the corner unit. He wipes his eyes and pulls his Mammy in closer.

The ambulance sirens are blaring in the background. Flashes of light almost blind him through the window.

Lee becomes startled and lets out a sigh. Young Lee spots him. He waves and smiles at Lee, standing across from him but goes back to ignoring him for a few seconds before glancing again.

"Why is thewe a man standing hewe?" He asks. Molly raises her eyebrows. "He's nudey."

"What, Love?"

Before he can respond, the ambulance batter the door and Lee bounces as hard as he can against the floorboards and ends up straight through the ceiling, onto the next level where he finds Sarah, her husband Pete and their two kids, Devon and Connor.

They wave at Lee as he flies down another level, to him and Darren on his sofa. Darren is consoling him and hugging him as he comes down from his first real high.

He falls once again into his kitchen. Him and Donny are discussing things. On the table is money, a backpack, knife and some wrapped up stuff.

He looks at the time and date on the phone. It says 5:35pm, 8th Feb. Today's date. Everything sounds blurry. He feels weightless. Like jelly.

A punch shoves him back through the wall and onto the bed once again. Everything's heightened; sounds, colours, shapes, tastes, touch.

There's a firework display going off in the corner of the room. He feels every colour as an emotion. He can hear moans of pleasure lull in his right ear. Fully erect, he feels every pleasureful movement creep through his body.

She's pulling the strings.

He's reaching his peak.

It's an experience unlike any other he's ever had.

The more he thrusts, the more she groans in pleasure.

The climax is glorious.

It burns strong for a good minute or two before slowly burning out. Releasing his wet erection from her, he lets out a long sigh of relief.

She flops down beside him, close to the bed. Her arm's hanging off the side. "We should do this again sometime."

He nods slowly. Although he's not attracted to her, sexually he agrees that it's a fun way to release all the pent up stress inside.

Noticing his phone light up from his short pocket, he also senses that the ringtone sounds louder than usual:

"Hey Elle, would ye mind throwin' my shorts up since yer closer?"

She bends down and grabs them, throwing them beside him. He slips the flip-phone up. One message from Darren:

One minute ago: Bag?!

"Shite!" He yells, jumping up from the bed in a frenzy.

"What, Lee?"

"I left t' bag downstairs!"

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