Why am i even here?

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Down in the basement, Sad Boy and Donny are reunited. Sad Boy is being held against his will by Knife man, still in that chokehold.

The air is escaping his lungs fast. "Where is the bag?"

"I-I-I haven't got it-it." Sad Boy wheezes, coughing up blood from the back of his throat.

"Lies!" Knife man sticks his knife into Sad Boy's side. He shrieks in pain and falls forward. Knife man lets Sad Boy go as he falls to the floor.

"I'M SORRY MATE!" Donny screams, ready to reach his breaking point.

Sad Boy starts to crawl toward the door.

As Sad Boy turns around, the man gets ready to shoot Donny in the temple.

Just before he gets a chance to pull the trigger, Doug and Darren burst in with the bag. Doug throws the bag at the gun man as Donny lets out a scream.

Darren, Doug and the men get into a ruckus as Sad Boy slips under the radar. Wobbling out of the room, he can hardly see clearly in front of him.

Holding onto the staircase, he pushes himself up the stairs, using the last of his energy to reach the top.

There stands the bathroom door, slightly adjacent.

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