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Jade had been feeling awfully sick this morning. Her lack of food, sleep and the fact that a child was growing inside of her made nausea wash over her body like waves in a storm. Yet, she had forced herself to rise from her bed. Miss Goodwright didn't want to lose any time, and had insisted right away that Jade should get dressed in the new gown the housemaid had made her. She must have been up all night sewing, but the maid showed no signs of tiredness when she cheerfully had woken Jade up.

Sewing, however, was something Miss Goodwright knew how to do. The gown was a piece of work, which must have taken her several hours to make. The gown was detailed and elegant, made out of red velvet and a patterned fabric of several wild flowers. It had rather long sleeves, with a frilled neck made out of lace, which still left her chest bare, so the small jade necklace was visible. The housemaid used red ribbons to tie up her, so often untamable, dark hair. She used powder to lighten her tanned skin.

"Now you truly look like a high born lady" Miss Goodwright beamed at her, once she stepped back to admire her creation. "Not to brag, dear, but every fine gentleman at that party is going to be breathless, I can assure you that, and not to mention Lord Beckett himself"

Jade forced a smile and made her way over to the large mirror. Once again her reflection had been replaced by someone she did not know. The housemaid cast a glare at the gilded clock on the wall.

"Oh, dear, the carriage should be here now, but I'm not finished with the hair," she stammered, "I could ask Lord Beckett to give us more time, I'm certain-"

"I think this is enough, thank you" Jade told the anxious maid, who most of all preferred to have her hair down over her shoulders. 

"Alright, then" Miss Goodwright nodded as she did a last attempt to make the last locks of hair remain in place. At last, the elder woman collected a glass bottle, then sprayed perfume over Jade. The strong scent of honeysuckle made Jade sneeze. "Careful now, dear" the maid spoke, more concerned about her hair than her. She stepped back and observed Jade with warm eyes. "Of you go, then"

Salty winds from the ocean met Jade when she stepped outside the mansion. The carriage waited on the road before the house, a young man in a similar wig held up the door for her, while Jade struggled to walk over the porch dressed in the large gown. She had to hold up the long skirt to be able to walk. Inside the window she could see the face of Beckett, while he waited for her. When she finally had managed to approach the chauffeur, he nodded shortly at her and Jade clumsily tried to climb into the seat.

The horses neighed and the carriage took off over the hill. Her corset made her lungs ache when she tried to inhale, and the warm air made her feel light headed. She cast a glare at Beckett beside her. He wore on of his finer wigs with a silken ribbon by the neck. He had his prussian blue coat. His eyes followed the landscapes as they drove past.

"Miss Goodwright did a fine job with the gown of yours" Beckett replied when he felt her glare on him.

"Thank you, my Lord" she nodded shortly and removed her eyes from him. Beckett moved his head towards her and studied her face, her hair and the graceful gown.

"If anyone should wonder, you're lady Beckett, do you understand?" he marked each word as he let his glare linger on her. All he got as an answer was a nod. "Splendid" he went on as turned his head back to the window.

"What happened to you that made you loathe pirates so much?" Jade asked him. That question seemed to have taken Beckett by surprised for he swallowed hard and stopped blinking for a moment. He was quiet for so long that Jade decided he would not answer, so instead she began to follow the palm trees outside the carriage with her eyes. 

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