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A thick tension rested upon the carriage when the wheels began to rolling over the muddy road. This time of year it was not uncommon for the carriages to get stuck in the dirt, Beckett prayed theirs would not. He would not at all enjoy to walk in the stormy night to his mansion. Just the thought of his coat ruined by rain and soil made him wrinkle his nose. He much more preferred, perhaps not the warmth, but at least the shelter from the rain inside the carriage. However, this was not to much concern of the Lord on this occasion, for his thoughts were occupied by Miss Lockhart's health, or more correctly, her lack of health.

Beside him sat the housemaid, Miss Goodwright. Who at this moment was just as impatient as Beckett, she nervously fidgeted with her apron. The result of the Lord's unease was visible in the manner that he could not stop his leg from trembling. Regardless of how much he attempted to keep it still by pressing it to the floor.

"What exactly happened, Miss Goodwright?" he could not stop himself from asking. He locked his hands in his lap, mostly because he could not figure what else he would do with them at this particular moment.

"I found her in the corridor about half past eleven, sir" gulped the housemaid. "She was calling out for you, heavens, she sounded so frightened, that poor thing" she shook her head with a frown on her thin lips. "Her nightgown was soaked with blood, you see. The girl was out of her wits"

Miss Goodwright broke Beckett's distant gaze out in the air when she suddenly turned her face towards him. "You have to be gentle to her, sir, she kept on begging me not to send for you" The Lord flinched slightly when he felt Miss Goodwright's warm hand over his own. "You should not worry, sir, miscarriages are not so uncommon as they might seem," she smiled thinly as she petted the back of his hand. "I'm convinced Miss Lockhart is going to be just fine, now"

Beckett nodded stiffly while he pulled back his hand. "Why?" he cleared his throat. "Did she say why she didn't wish me to attend to her?"

"She just told me you would be cross with her for disturbing you when you were working, sir" Miss Goodwright saw the expression on the Lord's face and quickly added, "Don't get the wrong idea, she does want you there, sir, I'm certain of that, m'lord, it's just" the housemaid inhaled and ran her concerned eyes over the seats.

"It's just what, Miss Goodwright?" Beckett allowed his eyes linger on the woman beside him. She shifted gingerly in her seat as she seemed to consider whether it was wise or unwise to tell him.

"She's frightened you will discard her, sir, now when she is not carrying your child anymore" she finally burst out. It seemed some higher power saved him, for when the housemaid fell silent and watched him with puzzled eyes, as if she somehow had sinned, the carriage slowed down and stopped. All Beckett had time to answer was a rigid nod before he climbed down to the soaked lawn.

Most of the windows of the mansion were dark, except for one on the second floor, where the faint flickering from a lonely candle cast its light out in the evening. Beckett was aware of to whom that chamber belonged to, and hurried as quickly as he could over the lawn and up to the porch. When he entered, he cared not to wait for either Miss Goodwright nor the chauffeur. The dark red stains on the wall, which the Lord recognized as the marks from fingers, led him up the staircase and into Miss Lockhart's bedchamber. Although, it was not without hesitation he observed the figure in the bed.

He allowed himself to finally catch his breath, when he gingerly took a step inside the room. The sharp smell of iron stung in his nose. Miss Lockhart seemed terribly fragile in the bed, the ember cast a glow over her pale face. She was still with her eyes closed, and when Beckett realized she was sleeping he dared to approach the bedside. Ever so slowly, the Lord held out his hand and gently stroke it over her cheek. How her skin felt swollen and sticky beneath his fingers, revealing that she had been crying. As an attempt to somehow ease the thick lump in his throat, he placed a finger just beneath her nose. He let himself breath out in relief when he felt warm air on his skin. Behind his back, he sensed how someone else had joined them in the chamber, and quickly withdrew his hand from her face.

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