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Several seconds went by, and Jade still hadn't received an answer from the Lord, who was still quite drunk where he remained across the cabin. With his arms lifeless against his sides as if they alone weighed as a ton of lead and his gaze fixed beneath him at the floor. It was rather clear to her that he had no clue of what to say. If her reply had been of a taunting manner, or with a mocking tone, he would have known what to answer right away, Jade was sure of it. The Lord's wits often caused her speechlessness, and he had a spineless custom of avoiding the actual question. Honesty, however, did not come to him naturally, and it appeared the truth in her voice had diminished him. He had expected another protest from her side, now instead he was left mute and dense. 

"Why do you stay, Jade?" he wondered, while he dared to cast a somber glance at her. The question did not imply something else, it was not scornful or dry as his usual comments. His voice had been sincere and so was his expression. This time it was Jade's turn to become wordless. 

"Because I was stupid enough to fall for you" she shrugged her shoulders with a timid smile. To her surprise, Beckett scoffed. Without purpose, he writhed and Jade thought she saw how his bottom lip trembled. He let out an indistinct sound, as if he had begun to speak then quickly changed his mind and fallen quiet once more. While she collected courage, she took a step closer to the Lord. Her movement merely caused him to stumble backwards. "How can this come as such a surprise for you, Cutler?" she wondered with a puzzled expression. "Did you think I only stayed with you because of your charm?" 

To her great relief, Beckett chuckled. Without grace or elegance, he finally shifted position. "No" he shook his head, "certainly not because of my charm, nor my lack of it" he tilted his head up, now a thin smile was placed over his lips. "I have never considered myself very successful when it comes to romance, you see, I never paid much interest in it, truly. Still, none of the women paid much interest in me either" he shrugged. "I was always the awkward little brother, it was Jonathan Jr. and Bartholomew the ladies and their families were curious of, not their sickly smaller brother who spent most of his time inside with a book instead of horse riding or sword fencing, or other matters they considered useful" he inhaled. "So yes, I am surprised" he met her eyes. 

"Well, I can't say I find horse riding or sword fencing very appealing" she told him with a wrinkled nose. "I'd rather choose the awkward, sickly, little brother" 

With a smile on his lips, Beckett nodded and shut his eyes. "And I would much rather choose the rowdy but actually quite sweet pirate over a highborn lady"

It was hard to tell whether the Lord himself or Jade found it more surprising that he had, in truth, spoken those words. Beckett could not decide if the expression on her face was caused by sorrow or joy. When a laugh escaped her lips, and she wiped the tears from her cheek, he dared to breath out. "Bloody hell then, what have we been fighting about?" she burst out with a wide smile, while she appeared not to be able to stop laughing or prevent the tears from welling up in her eyes. 

With his hands held out, he shuddered. "Apparently of nothing significant" Then he inhaled shortly and took a step further. Before he had time to consider how drunk he still was, or premeditate just how many mistakes he could possibly be making in this particular moment, he placed a nervous hand on Jade's cheek and decreased the distance between their faces. Her lips tasted of salt and her skin was slightly wet against his. Still, the Lord figured he was no better, and could not complain, for he most certainly tasted of rum. His face was also damped, although not by tears, which were the case with Jade, but from sweat. This, however, did not seem to bother her, for she fondly pulled him closer towards her by placing her arms around his neck. If Beckett, who was rather inexperienced when it came to intimacy, were to decide the pace of this kiss, they most likely would stand still, with their lips gently against the others. So wide was his experience. Of course, he could put his hands on her waist, or run his fingers through her hair, although these attempts were highly improvised. Jade, on the other hand, was no stranger to kissing. Confidently, she moved her lips over his, in a manner which caused him to flush. She seemed to have no intention to stop either, for she continued pressing her lips across his. Beckett's eyes were opened wide when he felt how she nibbled at his bottom lip. Ever so slowly, her tongue sought its way between his lips, and separated them. Hesitantly, he let her, and felt her tongue play against his. A moan escaped his lips as his hands found her hips. A soft giggle came from Jade when she withdrew, her mirth grew more radiant as she saw the unmistakeable redness upon his cheeks. Quickly he tilted his head down, in a rather poor attempt to conceal what she had already noticed. Gently she put a hand on his cheek, and leaned in to place a kiss on his forehead. That, however, was not what Beckett appeared to have in mind, before she was able to, he led her across the cabin and still with a grip around her hips he lifted her to the table. With his waist, he separated her thighs, now instead of the timid expression, he smirked in certitude as she was familiar with. 

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