Chapter 3

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I sat alone in the library, it took me a good thirty minutes to find the technique I wanted. 'Why do we need this again?' Summons can be suuuper useful! And they're fun to have around. 'I see you've moved on from me' The summoning realm is kind of dangerous, it's basically where all the summons reside when they're not being used or they don't have a contract. I doubt anyone would give me access to a summoning scroll, so we're going to get one from the animals themselves. 'So are we just going to disappear out of the library? Won't someone notice?' The librarian is asleep and we're the only ones here. 'Touché' I was oddly comforted by the smell of aged parchment, it helped me concentrate on the seal. Pen ink was a little harder to work with, but I hadn't thought to buy any proper stuff before hand, so I carefully dotted each finger down on the paper. 'Having fun with your finger painting?' Your going to make me mess up!

The seal wasn't perfect, but it looked close enough to the example. I waited for it to dry before snatching it up and walking behind two sets of bookshelves. I let two books act as paper weights so that the paper would lie flat. 'What if it doesn't work?' I'll redraw it. My hands pressed against the paper. How do I press chakra into it? 'Same thing you did with the hand signs.' I focused on the weird tingling in my veins, trying to gather it all in one spot. My eyes closed and I shoved what I thought was chakra into the ground. 'Oi! Idiot! We're falling!' My eyes crack open, sure enough, we were falling. It worked! 'Are you kidding me?!' Nope! Below me was a small lake surrounded by forest and plains. I know how to swim we'll be fine. 'We're gonna die!' My hands pressed together into a diving position. I held my breath as my body connected with the water. The cold gave me a slight shock but I was soon swimming towards the surface. My head broke through the water and I took a long breath before looking around. 'Pinky, look down, slowly.' My eyes gazed into the mostly clear water. My pulse quickened at the sight. That's a lot of sharks! 'I've read a book on this, be really quiet. Don't splash around to much.' We just dove into a lake of sharks! Surely that made enough noise! 'They haven't tried to kill you yet.' Fair point. I swam breaststroke towards the shore, trying to make my movements as fluid as possible.

I was within 20 meters of the shore when I noticed the shark behind behind me. A tiger shark. Fish aren't really my speciality, but I know for a fact that they're aggressive. 'Well fuck' That's ladylike. 'Not the time! Swim!' I took a breath before kicking my legs like a motor boat. My hands cut through the water, I forced myself to swim faster and faster. Feeling sand beneath me was like passing finals. I sloppily ran onto the shore, I got a good ten feet from the water before turning around. There, stretched across the majority of the lake, were shark fins. Welp! I'm checking that off my bucket list! 'What else is on your bucket list?' You don't wanna know. 'They look pretty agitated.' I nodded before falling into a 90' degree bow. "I'm sorry for disturbing you with my landing as well as my swimming." One of the larger sharks rose their head from the water, a cigar hanging from the teeth. "A respectful brat! We appreciate the apology, continue on, try not to die!" The sharks turned and swam back to the depths of the lake. That one shark sounded like he was from Jersey. 'Where's Jersey?' It's a state in my old country. 'I don't get it' You never will.

I turned to the plains, the forest looked a little dark and the trees would be inconvenient if I needed to run. 'But there's less cover is the plains!' Let's hope we don't need it then. I walked for awhile, there weren't any animals aside from the occasional vulture. 'Ah yes, the perfect summon. It will really suit your personality.' Fuck you. I kicked a tumble weed in frustration.

'Wow, look at the sky!' My head tilted up, five vultures circled around, occasionally swooping down. Should we check it out? 'There's nothing better to do.' I sped up my pace to a run, vultures are scavengers, they pick off carcasses or anything close to death. I ran at the two vultures already on the ground, the first flew off while the other was stubborn. 'Kick the bird' My thoughts exactly. My foot connected with the greasy ball of feathers, it squawked indignantly before flying off to join the others. 'Is that a dog?' I looked over to where the birds used to be. Tan fur stood out against the dry grass. With hesitation I ran forward and checked the pulse. Alive. 'So is it a dog or not?' No! It's a lion! 'It doesn't have a mane though?' It's a cub, a child. A long gash ran up the side of the lion, most likely the work of the vulture. I grabbed my medical supplies, I need to disinfect the wound before I do anything. I poured the alcohol substance onto a towel before pressing it against the gash. '...Is it going to be ok?' I sure hope so, I grabbed a gauze pad from my pack, I positioned it before securing it with bandages. Done. 'Now what?' It probably needs water, the heat won't help the situation. I cracked open my water bottle, carefully pouring the substances into the open mouth of the cub. I smiled as the tongue moved to swallow it.

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