Chapter 4

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'This has to be bad for you' It's not really. I pushed myself up from a bridge. 'We've got academy at 8 you know.' It's only 5:30, I'll be fine. Plus, I want to try something. My hand slipped into my kunai pouch, pulling out several knives. '...What are you doing?' Watch. I selected five trees in the clearing, shifting my stance.

I leapt into a backflip, throwing the kunai in their determined directions. I heard three loud thunks and the rustle of leaves. 'Well you didn't miss completely' Three of the five kunai were lodged into the bark of their respectful trees. The other two rested in the grass. I think I know what to work on today. 'When you break your back, don't come crying to me.' I'll be fine, landing a backflip isn't all that hard. 'You're suicidal.' I get that a lot.


Today is team placing, we're on team 7 feet with Sasuke and Naruto. 'REEEEEE! Sasuke-kun!' ...yeah. Though who knows? We might get placed differently. 'No' Yes.

So can we agree that roof travel is best travel. 'It is, until you snap your neck.' What are you? My mother? 'I swear to all of fuck if I die without confessing my love to Sasuke, I will hunt kami down and make him resurrect us.' ... 'What?!' Lets just go to school. 'Answer me!'


I sat down in a random seat, completely ignoring Inner's protests. 'But Sasuke-kun!' I'm not going to interrupt what's about to happen. It will be an honor to witness it first hand. Naruto had begun glaring at Sasuke, shit was about to go down. Girls gathered around the two.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the boy behind Naruto lifted is arm.

'KYAHHDJFJFKDUJRJDHDJSJJDJD' Oh my god are you ok? 'THERES SO MUCH BLOOD' What? Your bleeding!? What happened?! 'MY NOSE IS BLEEDING THIS HERE IS SOME GOOD SHIT' ...Never mind. Naruto and Sasuke locked lips for like three whole seconds. I'm starting to think they actually like each other. 'Screw Sasuke! I say we get these two together! SasuNaru! My new ship!' Huh.

'I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT! THE TASTE OF-' Iridocyclitis. I'm rubbing off on you. 'Never' Soon, remember, the dark side provides cookies. 'Better not be oatmeal.' What do you take me for? I vaguely noticed Naruto getting pounded to the ground. Poor Naruto. 'RIP' Amen.

Iruka walked into the room as Naruto fell sat down next to me... well it was more of a fall. I patted his head solemnly. We must avenge our fallen comrade. 'Through what method?' Cold blooded murder. 'I see.'

I spun a pencil around, waiting for Iruka to be done with his stupid clipboard. 'Do you think it's secretly porn?' Eh, not really. That's Kakashi's thing. 'Who's he?' Our sensei. 'Oh, joy.' I see you're fluent in sarcasm. 'My first language actually.' Mhm.

Dolphin-sensei slammed down his clipboard with tears in his eyes. Naruto jumped slightly next to me. Iruka cleared his voice. "I am proud to say, you are all genin. With great honor, I will now announce the teams." 'You must be a tree, cause that was pretty sappy.' I don't know, I thought he did pine. 'Get out'

I zoned out as Iruka listed the side characters. "-Team 7 will consist of-" I perked up as Iruka kept talking. "Sakura Haruno-," 'So do they list the Kunoichi first every time?' They do it because we're above the men. "-Naruto Uzumaki,-" Naruto cheered and raised his hand to fist bump me, I of course returned the notion because besties. 'So would Sasuke top him?' I had to cough into my sleeve to cover my laugh. Naruto thought I was choking and attempted the heimlich maneuver. "-And Sasuke Uchiha." He finished. Sasuke just stared at his desk, completely done with his life. 'Naruto's basically the sun, date him Sasuke! Your life problems will be solved.' I don't think dating Naruto would kill Itachi though. 'Wait, who's Itachi?' Sasuke but sexier, and he's got a personality. He got forced into killing his clan because Danzo's a little bitch and decided Shisui wasn't allowed to stop the coup they were planning. 'So why does Sasuke wanna kill him?' He doesn't know that the massacre was Danzo's fault. 'That sucks'

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