Chapter 5

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'Your eating breakfast.' Well aren't you observant. 'But, sensei said not to.' I have deemed his decision stupid, and have decided to ignore it completely. I bit into my tuna sandwich, chewing it with satisfaction. 'Who eats sandwiches for breakfast?' Me along with like half the ninja population. 'Weirdos.' Hypocrite.

I'm pretty sure Naruto eats ramen for breakfast, so It's not that uncommon. 'Naruto, is Naruto.' Ehh, that's probably true. 'Aren't we like two hours late already?' Yup. 'Sensei's gonna be mad.' He'll be later than me, I guarantee it. My teammates are probably pissed though, I didn't tell them that Kakashi would be late. 'Shouldn't you start heading over to the training ground?' Nah, I'm gonna enjoy my sandwich.


I walked onto training ground 7 at 8:57 am, completely ignoring the glare Sasuke was giving me. 'Naruto's passed out in a tree.' This ain't about him. Sasuke sighed and pushed himself off from the tree he was leaning on, "You could have told us he was going to be late." He grumbled. I shrugged, walking past him, "Your right, I could've." I shot back. 'Watch out everyone we've got a badass over here.' That was as dry as Garra's sand. 'Isn't all sand dry?' You know which sand isn't? 'What?' Wet sand. 'That made no sense.' Neither does reincarnation but here I am bitch.

My eyes trailed to the tree Naruto was slumped in, I wonder... 'What is it you wonder oh wise one.' Do you think, maybe I could climb this tree? '...Um, duh. I've see you crawl your way up a pavement wall, you could be up that thing in seconds.' No, like with no hands. 'Does that qualify as climbing?' Who cares. In the anime, Sakura got it down first try, and since I have her chakra control... 'You think it will work?' It's worth a shot.

My fingers curled into the one-sided ram, channeling my chakra to my feet. I carefully pressed the sole of my foot against the tree, the chakra pulled me towards the bark. 'Wicked, now take another step pussy.' Okay, sheesh. I took a deep breath before kicking my other foot up and sticking it to the tree. I'm horizontal my dudes. 'Keep walkin'.' Chill.

I got about halfway up the tree before Sasuke realized what I was doing. He glanced up at me, clearly confused, "What th-" He didn't get to finish as Kakashi walked onto the training ground. He stared at his students before sighing, "Morning chakra exercise, I didn't know you knew how to tree walk Sakura. You and Naruto should get down here so I can explain the exercise." He spoke with a closed-eye smile. I carefully walked backwards down the tree before Sasuke chakra jumped onto the Naruto's branch. 'He's gonna wake him up with a morning smooch.' With that ramen breath? Nah fam.

Sasuke kicked Naruto out of a tree. 'It's a lover's quarrel I swear.' Do you think Naruto cheated on him? 'With who?' If anyone it would probably be Kiba. 'Dog boy? Really?' They've got similar personalities, though it'd be like a one night stand situation. 'How's Sasuke gonna react?' Aside from kicking Naruto out of the tree? Rebound with Neji, he's cold and he's got really long hair for a guy. 'We should write soap operas.' Us gen Z children prefer to call those fan fictions. 'What's a fan fiction?' Fan made literature based off shows or books. 'What I've gathered here, is we need to write a fan fiction about Sasuke and Naruto.' Hun, there are thousands already.

Naruto hit the ground screaming. Sasuke looked down at the pained blonde a little too maliciously. I watched Kakashi pull him up by the collar, placing him on his feet. I walked over to stand with my teammates. Kakashi stared at us before pulling two bells out of his pouch. "Your mission is to take these bells from me, come at me with the will to kill. You have till noon." He instructed. Naruto raised his hand, "But sensei, there are two bell and three of us!" He shouted. Kakashi stared down at him, "Whoever doesn't get a bell, gets to spend another year with Iruka-sensei. As in you'll go back to the academy." He spoke with little to no mercy.

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