Chapter 8

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Alana POV


I just stabbed a guy.

With his own sword.

And I don't have anyone to talk to in my head... so now I'm just thinking to myself. Weird I know. Milo continued to throw himself at literally every enemy while Inner proceeded to slash wildly with a kunai. I looked down at the man, who definitely wasn't breathing. It made me think about how many of the criminals I had struck down were going to get back up a some point. Milo paused, waiting for me to lead. "We've got to keep moving, don't want to be a sitting duck do you?" He questioned before licking the blood off his fangs. It made me realize, we had all killed today. No one would come out of this with clean hands... or paws.

But at least I wouldn't be coming out alone. I gripped the handle of the sword before drawing it out of the man's chest, grimacing at the slight squelch. I nodded to Inner who gave me a thumbs up. We took a look back at our battlefield before moving forward. We moved forward together.

I ducked flying sharp objects as we moved closer to the mansion, cutting down mercenaries as I ran. Something about watching them hit the ground was relieving, one less enemy to deal with. I hated the fact that I wasn't sick to my stomach. We just kept running and fighting and bleeding.

This is sooo not cash money. Not in the slightest. I stared down the woman who had slashed my thighs. She had lime green hair pulled into a bun with various knives sticking out of it. I carefully eyed the tall spear she carried beside her. Oh shit. She's faster than the rest of them, likely chunin level. I got used to the civilians with butcher knives. She didn't give me time for reactions as she swung the spur towards me once again. Out of instinct, I fell into a back bend, kicking my feet up the moment her shadow cast overhead. My shoe made contact with her jaw. I cringed at the sound, the sound of bone breaking. And like all of the enemies before her, as soon as she hit the floor, I kept running.

Milo looks really calm, it kind of disturbing, not to mention... "Move it you fuckers!" Inner aggressively shoved a kunai into an enemy's eye socket. I cringed slightly before elbowing my opponent in the nose. I flinched when I heard familiar voices in the distance. Without too much thought, I dragged Inner away from the fights, grabbing her by the shoulders. "We need to merge back! Kakashi's getting closer!" Inner nodded robotically. "Soooo. How are we gonna pull that one off?" I rubbed my temples while pacing.

Then it dawned on me.

I snapped my fingers. "Inner quick! Dance with me!" I intertwined our fingers before falling into an awkward tango. "Dude what the fuck-" "Just go with it!" We did the tango for about a minute, panicking as the voices grew closer. Inner started getting into it, she spun me... and proceeded to trip on a root. I braced myself for the fall, but it never came. A bright light flashed, lasting only a second. When I opened my eyes, inner was gone. 'Incorrect' We did it! We pulled off a Steven Universe fusion! 'My glorious hair is gone, this is no time to celebrate.' Our hair. 'I meant what I said.' So mean.

I, now fully fused, stumbled out of the bushes, taking in the fight scene. At the same time, Kakashi lunged through the bushes on the opposite side of the clearing. We stared at each other. He clutched his chest, completely ignoring Milo as he mauled one of the mercenaries. "Oh good you're not dead." I snorted. "So much faith in your student sensei." 'Why does Kakashi have the sharingan?' You didn't see anything. 'On the contrary-' Zip it.

I grabbed a kunai as one of the men ran towards him, slashing his chest before kicking him down. Kakashi looked from the man I had cut down, to the trail of fallen foes that led to the clearing. Milo looked ready to attack Kakashi, so I stopped him with a head pat. His fiery eyes blinked in realization. "Ah, you're back." He grumbled before yawning. Kakashi looked down at the lion, and back to me. "You traitor." I tensed, gripping my kunai tightly. "What do you mean sensei?" Kakashi's eyes narrowed...

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