Chapter 6

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It had been a long day, and Trinity was exhausted. It wasn't helping matters that the awkwardness level was rising as she and Levi rode the elevator up to their floor and then started the long walk down the hallway towards their room.

Levi pulled out his key card and pushed open the door, entering, and then holding it open for her. They had stopped by the room earlier to drop off their luggage, but they had left almost immediately to register and attend the opening luncheon for the convention.

There, they had stuck by each other's side while eating, but afterward, they had moved to the main ballroom and split up to check out the different vendor's tables. Trinity had been looking in a general sort of way, talking to people about what it took to start a spa and getting the lay of the land. She spotted Levi a few times, talking with a few different vendors, all of whom were beautiful women.

Finally, the day had concluded with a drinks reception for the attendees, but she still didn't see a lot of Levi during the event, not that she lacked company. Trinity hadn't been to a convention or conference in years, and she had forgotten how some people treated it as a place to find a little side action. She had been relieved when Levi had approached her and asked her if she was ready, he had disentangled her from a conversation that was getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

Now it felt as if she had jumped from the frying pan to the fire as they entered the hotel room together. It was a strangely intimate as they stood there in awkward silence.

"I told you it would be awkward," Trinity said as she finally met his eyes.

"I've been in worse situations," he said as he reached for his bag and placed it on the chair in the corner. "Did you decide which bed you want?" he asked.

"I'll take the one closest to the bathroom." Trinity followed his lead and laid her bag on the luggage rack by the dresser. "Next time you should book a suite just in case," she suggested.

"Hmmm, yes. I still have to talk to Shana and find out what exactly happened." He was rooting around in his bag, looking for something.

"Please don't," Trinity begged as she stopped unzipping her bag and turned to look at him.

"Why not?" He found what he was looking for and stood upright once more.

"Because I would prefer if no one found out that we had to share a room. It would only make the rumors worse." She pulled out her toiletries case, debating if she should sleep in her makeup. Part of what made the situation so uncomfortable was that Levi would see her in her pajamas, without makeup, and with messy hair.

"Ah, yes, the rumors," Levi said as he threw a laptop and charger on the bed before sitting on the end of the bed and pulling off his boots.

Trinity turned to stare at him and he stared back for a moment. "What?" he finally asked.

She waved her hand at him, changing the subject. "I am guessing there was a reason for your relaxed attire today? You usually would have worn a suit to meet and greet." She wasn't going to follow through on her thoughts of disbelief about his casual attitude about the situation.

"Well, I'm shy and I thought it would be awkward to change when we arrived." He stressed the word awkward. "I thought we were pushing the limits when I had to watch you change shoes."

Trinity's eyes narrowed. "No, you didn't."

Levi pushed himself to the top of the bed, grabbing his laptop and settling in to work. "Do you want to order room service or eat downstairs?"

Trinity thought about it as she reached for the room service menu. "I think we should eat here. If we go downstairs, we'll inevitably run into someone else that's here for the convention, and honestly, I'm tired of trying to be pleasant handsy perverts wearing wedding rings." 

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