Chapter 18

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Trinity had been at work for an hour when she received an email from Shana telling her that Levi would like to see her in his office. So far, it had been a quiet morning. Rita had picked her up and driven her to the office. Her reception wasn't quite as cold as it had been the day before, but it wasn't back to the normal good morning nods that she got from the staff.

Trinity had noticed that her phone and laptop were gone, and she was going to talk to Levi about that next time she saw him. The laptop was company property, but the phone was hers.

Unable to find a reason to delay visiting Levi in his office, she stood and walked over to the mirror she kept on the back of her door, quickly making sure that her appearance was as it should be.

She couldn't help but feel all eyes on her as she walked down the hallway, past the breakroom, and copy room, towards Levi's office. She opened the outer door and saw Shana on the phone, so she waited until Shana hung up and buzzed Levi. Shana gave her the evil eye the entire time.

Levi had left his house before she was ready, so she hadn't seen him, and Trinity couldn't help the little extra beat of her heart when he appeared as he opened the door of the office. He was wearing a grey suit and a tie in blues that matched his eyes. She hadn't seen him in a suit in a while, and she had forgotten how intimidating he looked in one. 

Levi had a stranger with him and they shook hands before then Levi turned his attention to Trinity with a friendly smile, motioning for her to enter the office.

Trinity missed the appreciative look that the stranger gave her as he left because all of her attention was focused on Levi, and as she entered the office, Josiah brushed past her with a smile and a phone stuck to his ear.

"I'll be back," he mouthed.

"Is everything alright?" Trinity asked. It felt as if she was being called to the principle's office. It felt odd that she didn't know who the stranger was because normally she was in the loop of what was happening, even if it didn't directly involve her.

"Everything is fine, have a seat, and I'll fill you in on what's been going on." Levi motioned to the chair across from his desk. He was all business, and that was as it should be, but it was an odd juxtaposition from who he had been the night before.

Shana knocked on the door and brought in a tray with three coffee mugs and the mail. She sat the tray on the side of the desk, making a show of leaning over the desk, allowing the front of her top to drape dangerously low as she slid the mail across the desk. Trinity had to bite her lip to keep from telling the girl to put a bra on.

Trinity turned her attention back to Levi, who was watching her with an amused expression as if he knew what she was thinking while Shana sat the three mugs on the desk. When Shana was done, he looked over at her with his usual friendly smile and thanked her for the delivery.

"How many times have you gotten that show today?" Trinity asked with a raised eyebrow as she reached for a mug of coffee once Shana was gone.

"A few times, but what can I do? If I point it out, it's sexual harassment."

Trinity looked at him in disbelief.

"It's hard to be a man in today's world, but after the first time, I stopped looking, and I have asked Rita to discuss the matter with her. Will that do?" he asked as he reached for his coffee.

"But you did look?" Trinity asked, eyeing him over his coffee cup with narrowed eyes.

"You're lovely when your jealous, and for the record, I enjoyed the view last night much more."

Trinity choked on her coffee and blushed. She was about to deny his statement when Josiah entered the office and ended the conversation, but he must have sensed the tensions because he looked between the two of them as he sat next to Trinity.

"Where is my phone?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"I sent it and your laptop to Rainer's guy to look over. We should have it back next week." He turned around and lifted a laptop off of the credenza behind his desk. "This should be fine for now. It's new, and IT loaded it up with all the necessary software." He placed it on the desk in front of them. "But that's not why you are here."

Levi handed her a stack of files. "While you were on vacation, Josiah and I have been looking over the options for the spa partnership. The man who just left was one of the numerous interviews we've had over the last few weeks. We've narrowed it down to three candidates, but we need to look into their financials, and that's where you come into play. Josiah has been running the hotel for the last few weeks, looking for a new general manager, and I want the two of you to make the final decision on which company would fit us best."

Levi and Josiah spent the next hour catching her up on everything.

"You know if you had included me from the beginning, we wouldn't be playing catch up now."

"I know, and it wasn't done intentionally. You were on vacation, and then you had to clean up the mess I made with Dorthy." Levi stood, signaling that the meeting was finished.

"I'm still cleaning it up," Trinity reminded him as she glanced through the top file before she stacked them all on top of the laptop and picked up all of it.

"And I'm thankful for all of your hard work," Levi assured her, reaching for his coat then leading the way to the door. The exited into the outer office where Shana was, and Trinity couldn't help but notice the way Shana eyed Levi in his suit.

Now that she knew he had spent time in New York, she could see how well he would have fit in there. He didn't look like a cowboy now. He pulled down the cuffs of his sleeves and suit jacket, and Trinity was struck by the strength in his hands once again as he made the adjustment.

It was hard to believe that he was the same man that held her in his arms last night.

"Can I have a minute with Trinity?" Levi asked Josiah.

Josiah nodded. "Sure, I'll meet you in your office in about half an hour?" he suggested.

Trinity nodded as Levi took her arm and headed towards the stairwell, which was one of the few private places in the office.

"Ben hasn't been able to find your ex in Savannah, and we can't find him here. I don't have proof that he is in town, but I would feel better if you stayed with me again this evening, but it's your choice." He stood on the step below her, putting them almost at eye level.

"Alright," she agreed.

Levi looked at his watch. "If anything changes, I'll let you know, but now I have a meeting with my lawyers." He reached up and traced her cheek. "I'll see you tonight." Then he turned, and she watched his powerful stride take him down the stairs and out of her view.

Trinity felt her tummy roll, and she placed her hand on top of it as if to calm it as she wondered if they would share a bed again.

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