Chapter 17

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"If you'll see to the mugs, I'll take care of the fire," Levi suggested.

Trinity nodded and moved towards the kitchen with the coffee mugs. She took her time rinsing them and placing them in the dishwasher. She was so focused on the task that when Levi joined her, she jumped.

"You really don't like people sneaking up on you, do you?" he asked.

"No," Trinity shook her head. "Christopher liked to do that, especially when I was working on the computer or the phone. I think he was always trying to catch me doing something I shouldn't."

"That's why I scared you at the office that night?"

Trinity nodded again as she wiped her hands on the towel next to her.

"It's alright, Trinity. I understand if you don't want to do this." His voice was gentle.

Trinity looked out the window over the sink and thought hard about why she was so frightened. She knew Levi wouldn't hurt her, but it wasn't easy to trust again.

"Why, Levi?"

"Why do I want you to sleep with me?" He moved to lean against the counter next to her, looking at her profile as he spoke. He took his time gathering his thoughts.

"It has been a very long time since I have held someone and been held. I married my wife 18 years ago. I have lived 18 years in a vacuum. Eventually, I became numb to it all, I accepted my fate, but then you came, and you were like an oasis in the desert." He reached out and traced her jaw. "I wish you could see yourself as others see you."

"Three years Levi, why haven't you said or done anything if this was how you felt. Why now?"

"Is that why you're having a hard time believing how I feel because I took so long to tell you?"


"At first it was because I was a married man, then after Constance died and I was free, I didn't think you were interested. Am I wrong?" he asked.

"No, at least if I was interested I didn't know it," she allowed as she turned to face him.

He nodded. "Something changed after the new year started?"

"Yes, It was New Year's Eve. It was the conversation I overheard in the bathroom where two women were talking about whether you and I were having an affair." She cleared her throat.

"I remember, but how did that change things?" Levi asked.

Trinity shrugged. "I guess it made me think of you as a man and not my boss."

"For me, it's the opposite. I saw you as a woman first and an employee second. The curve of your chin," his fingers followed his words, "the pink of your lips and the way cheeks glow when your confused or excited about something, it makes me think of you as a beautiful woman."

Trinity's breathing had increased.

"But I'm human, Trinity. Since January, I've been trying to get up the nerve to share how I've felt. I took a chance last night after dinner when I kissed you. You were hurt and angry when I told you I didn't want you to stay late and I thought it might be the only way to convince you that that was not what I was feeling. I knew one of us had to take the first step."

Trinity nodded. She got his reasoning, but she was still having a hard time believing how he felt.

"When you're ready, whether it be a day or months from now, I'll show you in a very physical way how I feel and you won't doubt it."

"If I say that I'm ready now?" she asked in a quivering voice.

"I'll disagree with you. You're not ready, but we will both know it when you are. Do you want to sleep in your own room tonight?" he asked.

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