Chapter 32

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  Kimberly woke up early that morning and ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower, she was still worried about Roy and wanted so badly to know how he was doing after she saw him have that nightmare last night. Dressing quickly in a loose tank top and denim shorts, she rushed out of the room.

While walking through the hallway, she glanced at Roy's bedroom door feeling the same urge as yesterday to take a peek inside which she carefully did hoping not to get caught. Mentally, she hated this newfound habit of hers but she couldn't help it, it was like his room was calling to her so she quietly opened the door and took a peek inside, she found her Greek god still asleep.

"Gosh, Kim what are you thinking?!" She cautioned herself.

After staring at Roy's sleeping form one more time, she quietly closed his room door behind her, deciding not to spend another second like some creepy stalker. Kimberly decided to make breakfast that morning as a peace offering so Roy wouldn't be mad at her anymore and then maybe they could start as friends.

While making breakfast, she felt a presence in the kitchen, slowly, she took her attention away from the pancakes she was making, and her eyes met those gorgeous grey ones that took her breath away making her freeze on the spot. He looked so sexy with his slightly wet hair and those muscles.

Gosh, this guy was something!

She started imagining what it would be like roaming her hands over those muscles and abs.

"Stop Kimberly, stop!" She mentally warned herself as she tore her eyes away from the handsome figure before her not wanting to embarrass herself this morning.

"Good morning," she quietly said hoping that would make the atmosphere a little less awkward but to her disappointment, she got no reply making her eyes well up with tears. He was still upset with her, she thought to herself as she fought back the tears. He can't see how hurt his actions made her, she wouldn't let that happen.

Kimberly was brought out of her trance by that deep husky voice she had missed.

"Good morning." he finally replied causing the butterflies in her stomach to erupt.

She took the last pancake out of the pan and turned off the stove, taking out two plates and cups from the cabinet, she served their meal carefully placing his before him.

"I hope you don't mind having pancakes for breakfast... I had no idea what you'd like and I couldn't find out since you were still asleep, so I decided to make banana pancakes and bacon... They're my dad's favorite." She quietly explained, saying the last part in a whisper.

Kimberly had no idea why she shared that piece of information but she couldn't take it back now even if she wanted to. Besides, she didn't think he was even paying any attention to what she was saying.

"They are also my favorite." She heard him say in that captivating voice of his that had captured her soul. She smiled at that and wiped a stray tear from her face.

"I... um... I'm sorry about the other day. I know I shouldn't be snooping around but I was really worried about you." She apologized staring at her cup of coffee.

"I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, it's just..." Roy hesitated contemplating whether or not to share anything personal with Kimberly.

"That room holds a special memory," he murmured.

The place was silent for a minute before he felt her small hand on his sending sparks all over his body.

"Was it your sister's?" Kimberly asked with much concern in her voice. Roy's head jolted up as he stared at her in utter shock.

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