Chapter 55

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  Roy made a call to the pack doctor and asked him to come over to his place and check on Elijah. In less than an hour, the doctor was at Roy's place with the necessary equipment needed to perform his work. After he was done checking on Elijah, he confirmed that there were no internal injuries even though he was badly beaten by the alpha.

Roy swore to himself that he would make Hugh pay for all the hurt and pain he had caused his pack when he came face to face with him. He couldn't help but feel guilty when he saw Christine's tears, she was trembling with fear when she saw her son's unconscious and completely bruised body. This is all his fault. He shouldn't have left Elijah by himself after being viciously attacked by Hugh's warriors the day before. He should've known Hugh would have something up his sleeves.

Alan could tell Roy was blaming himself for his cousin's present condition, when in reality that wasn't the case. Elijah was no match for Hugh, but as a beta, it was his duty to protect his Luna, so rather than chickening out and letting Hugh take Kimberly easily, he had to put up a fight which was what anyone in his place would do.

Alan walked up to his nephew who was standing by the door of his guest room where Elijah was currently in, quietly watching as the doctor attended to Elijah's wounds. He gave Roy's shoulder a gentle squeeze to get his attention.

"I want you to know that what happened to Elijah wasn't your fault"

Roy hated the fact that his uncle could read him like an open book. He knew his uncle was only trying to make him feel better, but if that were the case, he was so wrong because everything happening was his fault. He is a weak alpha, too weak to protect his people. He didn't want to argue with his uncle so he hesitantly nodded, like he agreed to what his uncle said.

Alan gestured that they head outside. Roy knew it was time to get down to business. He quickly mind-linked the heads of his warriors and told them to assemble the warriors, those in training included because if they wanted to win this war, they would need a lot of hands.

Eric, the head of the warriors did as he was told and assembled every male werewolf of fighting age and ordered them to begin vigorous training before he left them and headed to Roy's house to know what the next step was

Kimberly's eyelids slowly fluttered open to an unfamiliar room. Roy didn't change his bedroom interiors from black to brown while she was asleep or did he? That's impossible because he was badly wounded and unconscious, so there was no way he could've had the time to plan this.

Speaking of Roy, did the healing power they claimed she possessed work? She wondered as she stirred on the bed completely unaware of the fact that she was being watched.

Kimberly touched the other side of the bed and it was empty, indicating that Roy was awake why were the sheets brown and not black? Something wasn't right.

"You're finally awake," a deep yet raspy voice spoke, making Kimberly sit up.

She looked around the room frantically searching for the source of the voice. As the seconds went by, Kimberly realized that Roy hadn't changed anything in his bedroom, rather, she was in an entirely different place, this frightened her.

"You've been unconscious for two days." The voice spoke up again, this time revealing its owner as he appeared from the far corner of the room.

Kimberly squinted her eyes to make out who the figure was but it was impossible since the only light currently on in the bedroom was the night lamps. As if the stranger could read her thoughts, he switched on the bedroom light, making Kimberly gasp at the sight before her.

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