15 | a stranger so own

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"And that's the last one I found." William finished counting the papers of all the students who submitted.

Eliza watched him; she was sitting on the first desk like the previous day adorned in a black top, ripped jeans and a black leather jacket but her clothes didn't do justice to her face for she felt sick and nauseous. Her head felt heavy and even though she slept last night, she was starting to feel that the pills she took before were taking a toll on her body. Last night, James had made her take something new for the first time. It felt extremely uncomfortable but then she saw James and Arabella take it which made her push herself to go through.

She was suffering the consequences now.

William got up from his chair and moved towards his students. Eliza saw him scan the room and his eyes stopped on her.

"You didn't submit your homework again, Ms Scott," he said to her.

Eliza lifted herself to sit a little bit straighter. "I didn't get the time."

William sighed. "What's it with you people and time? I mean I get that you have your personal entertainment but you do realize that studies matter right?" he asked, not just to her, but to the entire class. "And it's not just her, Mr Dawson and Ms Davidson and the two of you at the back didn't submit too," he continued, pointing towards Thomas and Knight. They scoffed.

"Why are you so annoying?" the words escaped Eliza's mouth before she could stop herself.

William turned to look at her, surprised and she felt the others look at them.

"I am sorry? Ms Scott?" He arched an eyebrow at her.

Eliza got up from her seat and stumbled as her head felt heavier with each passing second but William caught her by her arm to support her. She got back her little strength and stood straight, slapping his hand off her. She saw him leaning at her desk, one arm extended at her side. He wasn't touching her but making sure she didn't fall.

"You," she said, pointing a thin finger at him. "...are very annoying."

When William didn't say anything but just stared at her, she continued.

"Your days must have been really different from ours. You know nothing about what problems we grow through every day. You adults only think of yourselves."

"You aren't in your right mind, Ms Scott. I think you are having a concussion."

Eliza felt insulted by that. "Don't you dare say that, Mr Ray! I am no more miserable than you. Look at you, you don't even have your wife with you!" she said and when she heard her own words, she felt so insensitive and inconsiderate for having divulged his secret that for a moment she expected William to be upset with her but he didn't even react.

"Ms Scott, you should go to the nurse's office."

"Stop showing this fake concern. You should go to the nurse's office and get that heart checked," she taunted, pressing her forefinger to his chest. He hissed at her touch. "Where is your wife, William Ray? Is she dead? Did she leave you to run away with someone else? I think I will go with the second, no-one would wish to stay with a person as rude as you."

"Ms Scott, did you just insult my wife?" he asked and Eliza's face flushed.

She was definitely having a concussion. She would never say such heartless things to people in her right mind.

What did James do to her last night?

She didn't let her expression give away her thoughts. She was already ashamed of everything she had just said and even though she wanted to take it back, she knew she couldn't.

Till The Clock Strikes GoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora