17 | fantasy

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It was the last day before vacations started at LunaVale University — the 14th of December and the murmur of excitement among the students was enough to make them pay attention to everything except their studies.

Students were busy planning for their holidays, even James and Arabella, but Eliza didn't join in the conversation because her eyes were fixed on William. He had been absent for two days and today, he was here and yet not here. Eliza hadn't seen him for two days and she was feeling anxious. His door was always closed and she was sure that he didn't get out of his house because she had kept an eye on his door through her bedroom window.

She had developed a fascination with this new character in her life. He infuriated her with his mysterious charm and half-answers but she liked testing his patience. He hadn't even appeared at her house and when she asked her Papa what happened, her father had looked at her like he was seeing her for the first time. He patted her shoulder and went to lock himself in his workshop in the backyard. Eliza spent the entire two days with just James for company, who was too busy talking about himself instead of asking her about her life. She wanted to see William but he was lost in solitary confinement and now that she could see him, she felt sad.

He looked devastating. His eyes were gloomy and full of pain. He had dark circles underneath them and his face looked paler than usual. He didn't speak much when he entered the class.

When he entered, his eyes fell on Eliza, who was once again seated at the first desk. But, unlike other days, he didn't look at her for more than a second and went to sit on his chair after telling the students to do whatever they wished too. Eliza felt scared because the last time she saw him was when he carried her home and she had decided to repay him by vandalizing his house. She took a glance at James, who she saw, was observing William too. He had a small smile playing at his lips and when he noticed her looking at him, he winked and she turned around. For the first time, her heart didn't flutter with James's attention.

William had his arms crossed over the desk and his head lay between them. He was sitting in that position for as long as she had been watching him. He didn't move, didn't say anything. He didn't even tell the students to keep it low when they started chatting loudly amongst themselves.

"Where are you planning to go?" Arabella's high pitched voice pulled Eliza out of her gaze and she turned around to find that the group had pulled their chairs together and were sitting in a circle.

"I am sorry?" she asked, waiting to be filled in by the conversation. She felt James gaze on her.

"What's up with you?" he questioned. "You okay?"

"Yeah...I am fine," Eliza said, looking at her fingers as they scanned the fabric of her jacket. Today she had been bold enough and chose to wear her white jacket, not the usual black leather.

"I think you are stressed. Want me to help you?" James asked, taking her hand in his. She lifted her eyes to look at him.

James looked like he had everything settled and was always the more resolute among them. He had his whole life planned out, although he never shared his plans, not even with her.

As Eliza watched him, he leaned in from his chair and kissed her. She gave a weak smile but he took that as a chance to invade her mouth with his tongue. He tasted of the rich cologne he put and beer.

Once again...beer.

Eliza clutched his jacket, trying to push him away but he grabbed her hand as he continued kissing her more hungrily than ever. His mouth was too rough like he wanted to cause her pain. She winced when he bit her lip too hard. Eliza knew that kiss. It was the kiss of jealousy and anger. It was very rare but noticeable. She made a faint attempt to push him again but he only groaned in frustration.

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