32 | always yours

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When the sunlight hit his face, William groaned before extending his hand to hold Eliza, except, his hand touched the empty bed. He opened his eyes and saw that Eliza wasn't there. With a start, he woke up and rubbed his eyes. He was still sleepy and although covered with a blanket, he was very very naked. He looked around to search for his jeans when he heard a voice that embarrassed him to the core.

"Looking for this?" Harvey Scott said and William caught sight of him by the door. He was dressed in his robe and sweatpants, holding William's jeans and William pulled the blanket closer and scrunched his eyebrows to look at Harvey.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Harvey threw him his saving grace and William caught it. When he saw Harvey striding across the room, he took the time to wear them and stood up as he zipped. He turned around to find Harvey sitting on a chair by the desk, elbows on his knees as he leaned in to study William.

"Tell me you didn't do anything stupid," Harvey said.

William smirked at his comment. "You mean if your daughter and I slept together. Why do you think I woke up in her room...naked?"

He saw Harvey tense at his words.

"You shouldn't have done that, William. You made a mistake." Harvey rubbed his forehead.

William tensed. "What do you mean? Where is she?"

Harvey rose and walked until he was standing face-to-face with him. He observed him for some time and then put a hand on his shoulder as if comforting him for what was to come next.

"What's wrong? Where is she?" he asked again, frenzied.

"She has locked herself in the workshop. She was crying when she woke up. She wouldn't talk to me and I believe something bad happened."

"I didn't force her into anything."

"I know you didn't, son. I think it was because of whatever shit that came out of my mouth last night. However, I believe this was a mistake," Harvey said pointing to the bed where the smell of sex was still eminent.

William looked around, running a hand through his hair as he searched for his shirt. He found it lying on the floor beside where Harvey stood and picked it up, hastening to wear it and fastened the buttons.

"Where are you going?" Harvey enquired.

"I need to talk to her," William answered before rushing out of Eliza's room leaving Harvey pondering.


"Open the door, Love," William called, knocking loudly at the door of Harvey's workshop.

"Go away," he heard Eliza's muffled voice from inside.

She was crying.

"Please open the door, Love," he asked again, calmly.

When she didn't reply, he felt worried. He was scared; he had never been this scared all his life. He wondered how strange fear was. He sheltered it in his heart. It lived and fed with him and yet it was the most negative feeling in this entire world.

"Eliza, we need to talk." His voice wasn't begging anymore. It was demanding. He wanted to hide how afraid he was of losing her.

"Get out of my head, William Ray. I don't like the feelings you create," Eliza shouted from inside and William's heart filled with relief.

At least she was talking to him.

"You open the door, we talk and then, I'll go. I promise," he said and moments later, he heard the click and the door was opened.

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