2 days before the breakdown

712 35 8

Peter's p.o.v

he- hes dead...he- hes dead, not not alive anymore, and and- and i killed him, because-because i was- because i was there because i- i fel on his car..he hes not on the face of the earth anymore because-because i took the life out of his eyes...and his family? ow god his family his mom his dad his wife? and ow god his daughter his daughter would have to live traumatized by seeing her fathers death right in front of her because a random kid form queens killed him...i- i killed him and- and....hes-hes not.i cant- i-i- cant im crying way to much im..im going to throw up, i landed on a roof top and looked behind me panting i-i lost them

"hello peter" ow come on!!

Madalyn's p.o.v

ok if i were to be honest id be lying if i wasn't excited to be sitting right in front of the biggest badass of the century shes actually the only person that i actually idolize out there i mean not that id ever admit it but "OW" I looked at my hand and there was a needle stuck to it

"what was that for! the last time i remember its practically illegal to do that even to prisoners!"

"truth serum, people like you ive met, you don't talk unless forced to talk, or lie perfectly" I glared at her

"now for the questions, let's start"

"what's your name?"



"Madalyn parker-stark"

Tonys p.o.v

"ok harley as much as i love to have you here and id love to catch up i have-" i looked at the kid and it hit me im stuck with spiderman's daughter is he-is he guilt-tripping me into not catching him that son of a b***

"-i have a- lets just say a sticky situation on my hands and i have to give this kid away to her dad before i-" all of a sudden a voice boomed in the lab

"TONY INTERROGATION ROOM NOW" is that is that Natasha? dear god, what did I do this time? i sighed and looked at the ceiling then at the kid stuck to me i bet 10$ that this kid is using spider-mans powers on me but i gotta say its pretty cool that it's passed genetically i sighed and looked up at Harley

"kid can you take care of the kid while i go face the wrath of Natasha?"

"oo you got in trouble" i rolled my eyes at that

"since when did you get sassy?"

"have you forgotten old man?" i arched my eyebrows at him

"where connected" i scoffed at that

"seriously kid? are you seriously going to use that on me?''

"well im not the one thats going to face the wrath of Natasha"

"well I'm not the one whose going to be stuck with junior spider here"

"junior what?"

"just-just FRIDAY will explain ok?"

"hey kid?"


"can you stay with Harley here until i go i want to see a friend for a while because she might get mad, then i promise ill come back and take you to your dad ok?" at that she teared up but why-?

"you're going to come back? you-you promise?" she held on to me tighter dear god i really hope she won't break my legs

"yes..uh-kid don't worry about it" with that she gave me a watery smile and walked towards Harley

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