Ch2 Flower Confession

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                            'd get a break. Your day off finally arrived.

You decided to go to a little community garden, well technically it was a park, but this one was a lot smaller than the others and it was mostly made up of beautiful flowers.

You sat on the bench and looked over the flowers, with some dandelions scattered around the bed in which the flowers lay.

You watched the bees and humming birds and butterflies live their lives.

And of course, the flower that glows brightest, the sun flowers, it was almost as if the sun flowers were watching over the flowers just as you were.

Often times you'd find yourself talking to the flowers, like Alice, from and old animated movie.

"I wish I was as beautiful as you all, your beauty is vibrate, radiant, and temporary. At the end of it if I was a flower I will have died knowing that I was beautiful the whole way through~" you hold a sad smile,

"But, you aren't a flower, you are a woman, a beautiful woman at that, I'm glad I found you here." A voice came from across the flower bed.

"Caesar? What are you doing here?" You jolt up in surprise and embarrassment,

"Suppose to do the same thing you did, confess to the flowers, since I over hear your confession," Caesar gets up and sits next to you,

"It's only fair you get to hear mine." He turned to you,

"But first, I wanted to apologize for that mess yesterday, I meant no harm, and I surely didn't want to leave a bad impression on your for the first time you finally really talked to me...anyway..." he looked to the flowers and let out a deep exhale

"Ciao little flowers, I wanted to tell you that, I think I just found a great girl. She's an interesting one indeed. I want to learn more about her, her favorite foods, colors, drinks, hobbies. I've never really felt this way about any other girl, admittedly I know I've played with hearts before, but this girl is different." Caesar smiled as he sat back straight,

"Well then, who ever that girl is, I wish her good luck in dealing with you Caesar..." you scoff and look towards the sky,

"Well then, you should get a good luck charm" Caesar chuckled.

"Me? Me! Ahh, you've shared your confessions with me, but I've seen the way you act with girls, it'll take more that a simple flower confession for me to become your friend Caesar." You laugh, how childish

"Friend? A good start, why don't you spend your day off with me, Joseph and Suzie? We are all going to the mall, maybe if you all get along, you'll have 2 new costumers~" he nudged you.

"Hmm sure, I don't see the harm. Plus, can't have the Play boy be a third wheel by himself! Being a fourth wheel sounds like fun! Let's go!" You smile and laugh, maybe this is the best chance to make some friends finally.

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