Chapter Four (part 1)

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It was a mystery that had evaded Emilia for some time; Prudence and her daytime outings for which she didn't need the company of a maid. It had also frustrated Charity time and again, because Prudence always had an excuse, but they never seemed to satisfy her sister. They didn't satisfy Emilia either. But when she finally weighed her loyalties and her duties and brought her concerns to Lady Dartmore, the older woman had assured her it was nothing to be concerned about. But that was in the day. At night was another matter.

How many times had Emilia dressed her mistress for the theater or an exhibition that her brother was escorting her to? More than half a dozen this last season alone. And how many had she actually attended? Now, she didn't know.

She tried to tell herself it didn't matter, that it wasn't her concern, but if she were to keep house for the Crewe's -- something she hadn't decided yet -- shouldn't she know?

Prudence sputtered at her brother, "Wh— wha... I... Do I ask you where you go? Why do you need to know everything I do?"

"You ask me quite a lot, actually," Mr. Crewe pointed out.

"Because I'm the eldest and someone needs to—"

"But I suppose you're right," her brother drawled with a smile. "I don't need to know. But do you think Aunt Muriel would like to know? Or Mama?"

Prudence was saved from answering by a rap from outside before the door opened. 

"Your valise, Mr. Crewe," Carter grunted, looking as pleasant as ever.

"Good man." Mr. Crewe clambered over his sister. "So we agree." He turned as he hopped down, taking his bag and pressing something into Carter's hand. "You don't tell and I don't tell and I'll see you in a fortnight."

"This is ridiculous," Prudence huffed loudly. "You can't just—"

"Enjoy your party!"

And he was gone.

Prudence sat gaping at Carter, who didn't seem abashed at all. "Five miles to Sculthorpe," he barked, reaching for the door.

Emilia lifted a hand. "Er... Mr. Carter? Do ye suppose we could—"

He shut the door before she could finish. It was just as well. Miss Prudence looked so annoyed, she rather doubted she could convince her to change dresses now. Her best hope was getting her inside and shown to her rooms before anyone could see.

"Can you believe him?"

"He is very grumpy," Emilia agreed, rather miffed at Carter as well... or as much as a person could be at someone so frightening.

"This is blackmail and I won't stand for it," Prudence hissed, obviously still fuming at her absent brother, "If he thinks that one night is enough compared to all the things I have stored up over the years—"

"But it wasn't just one night," Emilia couldn't help saying. "He said there were others."

"He thinks there were others. He doesn't know anything."

"Lady Dartmore always tells me not to be concerned with your visiting on yer own in the daytime. But if you're going about alone at night—"

"I'm not on my own. Carter is with me and he's very intimidating," Prudence cut in. "There is no reason for you nor anyone to be concerned, I promise."

Emilia quite strongly disagreed. Her job had been in some danger with Miss Charity's antics, as her accomplice, however little choice she had in the matter. That situation might have worked out well for all involved, but now... If Miss Prudence was now putting herself at risk, no matter how unwitting Emilia's complicity, it might be seen as a pattern of slipshod work. She'd be seen as unable to control her charges at all. Would she be considered as a housekeeper then? She couldn't risk it. "Miss Crewe, for you to go out at night, if Lady Dartmore doesn't know—"

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