Venice Pt. III

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It became very clear, very quickly to Peter that you and Nick Fury had a history he would probably never understand. Fury seemed to not like you, and you just seemed outwardly infuriated by him, and so the entire boat ride in the dark was just awkward and filled with tension.

"We're going to get in trouble," you grumbled from where you were sitting across from where Peter was standing, watching as they pulled up into a boat parking area under a building.

"When have you ever been concerned with getting in trouble?" Peter asked, almost finding it comical that you were trying to use that as an excuse.

Maria Hill was waiting for the three of you, and you couldn't find it in your heart to hate her, so you smiled when you saw her.

"It's good to see you again, Y/N," she said, giving you a curt nod. You liked that Maria was never touchy or anything other than formal with you. That was the way you liked it.

Peter, on the other hand, just seemed completely out of his element. He'd put his mask on, you weren't entire sure why, but now that you were all in private, he tore it from his head and looked around.

"Does anyone want to explain to me what's going on?" he asked, still attempting to be polite because he was Peter Parker, Human Cinnamon Roll.

"This way," Fury instructed, once more leaving and expecting everyone to follow. You sighed, falling into step with Peter as the two of you followed him and Maria down a brick hallway that ended at the door. One eye scan later and you were inside a high tech looking lab, maybe three or so people working on multiple tables as you walked past them all and into a conference room.

A man was sitting at the table, looking a bit twitchy, but overall just extremely tired. His hair was ragged and he was hunched over, eyes scanning his phone vigorously.

When the door closed behind you all, he finally looked up and stood, wearing nothing but a S.H.I.E.L.D. hoodie and pair of sweats as he looked back and forth between you and Peter.

"Stark, Parker, this is Quentin Beck."

"Okay?" you mumbled, crossing your arms and regarding the haggard looking man in front of you.

"He's the man you saw today take down the Elemental."

"Elemental? The water dude?" Peter asked.

"An Elemental," Quentin quickly explained. "It's uh, well, my lab -"

"Your lab? You made it?"

"No! No," Quentin said quickly, "No I didn't personally. They're old sentient beings. We ... woke them up? Well, someone else did to, um, well I think to rival me in some way. I've been fighting them for years and usually have been able to keep them contained, but they've gotten out - gotten stronger. They're threatening the globe and only I seem to have the power to take them down."

"What power?" Peter asked, crossing his arms in what you could only guess was a way to see older and more mature. One time the two of you had been interrogating a mugger and when Peter had asked a question, the guy had laughed at Peter's high-pitched, obviously high school aged voice. Since then, Peter had always tired to step up his game

You thought it was just adorable.

Quentin simply lifted his hands and the green mist started to swirl around him, little symbols seeming to spark in ways that reminded you of something Stephen would possibly do from time to time.

You and Peter exchanged a look, obviously both thinking of your New York friendly wizard.

"We brought you here tonight because it's obvious more attacks are eminent," Fury stated, walking from behind the both of you and standing in between everyone. "Quentin is our only lead thus far and saved our asses against the sand Elemental. Now that the sand and water Elementals have been captured, that leaves -"

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