Prague Pt. I

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If there was one thing you had been trained early on, it was when to know you have been influenced by magic of any kind. Your dad had quickly made sure Wanda had trained you, and it was one of the rare things he and Cap had agreed on before their impending divorce from the Avengers.

You'd sat in Wanda's room with her on the weekends for hours and had basically been at her mercy to be manipulated until you were able to feel the itch in the back of your brain and the taste of cleaning soup in your mouth to know that your mind had been tampered with.

It wouldn't make you immune, Wanda reminded you, but it would help you to know you'd either been manipulated or had lost some time that was no longer your own.

So though you woke up the first morning in Prague feeling like you'd just slept ten thousand years, you didn't feel as refreshed had it been a natural sleep. Immediately as your eyes shot open, you heaved and gagged at the feeling of someone attempting to pour dish soup down your throat.

You quickly looked around, noticing that there was no imminent threat, before realizing it was only 6:30 in the morning and thankfully, you hadn't woken MJ.

You showered, brushed your teeth for a full five minutes in an attempt to get the taste from your mouth, and then stood outside of Peter's room for a little longer than you probably would have in the past just wondering how you were going to address this with him.

It was the slight thud and an, "Oof! Fuck!" that made you realize Peter was awake, and so you quickly slammed the door open, only having the jiggle the doorknob for a couple seconds before it loosened and you were in his room.

Peter screamed, flinching to dive behind the dresser, but when he saw it was you, he let out a breath of relief.

His relief was premature.

"What did you do to me?" you seethed, hissing to not raise awareness to the neighbors, considering Peter was wearing some sort of vigilante get-up that you had a sneaking suspicious had to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. and therefore, didn't want anyone else busting in.

"What?" Peter asked as you pined him to the wall, leg up and knee against his groin and forearm pressed to his throat. "Y/N! Lay off!"

"I know what it feels like to be put under, Parker," you glared, "What did you do to me last night? I don't remember anything after leaving your room."

"Jesus, I didn't -" Peter wheezed as you pressed tighter against his throat. He could easily push you away when you weren't wearing your suit. He was at least fifteen times stronger than you, but he'd always been gentle with you and he especially didn't want to tear you off him and make you even angrier than you already were.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" you asked, finally stepping off and away to check out the suit Peter had on. "You look like a mix between some sort of high tech raccoon boy and an over prepared robber. Is that ... a utility belt?"

"It's -"

"Oh God, did he put you in leather?" you laughed now, poking at Peter's chest as he scoffed and tossed the mask that was made of a beanie looking knit material. He fiddled with the goggles a second longer, turning them off it seemed, before also tossing them aside.

"Fury gave it to me," he mumbled.

His hair was a mess from having just been completely wrecked by the removal of the mask. You watched as he unclipped the jacket and it fell to the floor. Peter kicked it slightly into a small suitcase and sighed, rubbing his hands down his face.

Standing there in only the belt, pants and boots, sweaty chest and crazy hair on display, you felt your body growing hot.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked suddenly, removing his hands from his face, "Your heartbeat is suddenly going crazy insane."

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