London Pt. III

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"What do you mean you and Y/N are done?" MJ asked, leaning in and grasping Peter's hand tightly.

Peter sniffled again and looked down, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to stop the tears from coming.

"She's leaving," Peter shrugged, "New school. Boarding school."

"Shit," MJ mumbled as they started driving across the bridge. "Okay, I really care about this and want to hear what happened but I'm really excited about the London Bridge and -"

"Of course," Peter said quickly, "Yes yes of course. If you stand I'm sure you'll get a better -"

MJ started to stand, a smile of pure joy on her face that quickly turned to a confused expression as a large storm seemed to be brewing in the distance, just on the other side of the bridge.

"Shit," Peter now said, standing with her as the dark clouds seemed to be moving towards them.

The wind picked up, whipping your hair around and gaining your attention as you stood also, attempting to get a better look.

Traffic on the bridge was pretty bad, and so you were standing still when the first bolt of lightning struck near you. Screams were echoing all around you, and you and Peter locked eyes before you were both fumbling with your backpacks to find the trackers that Fury had given you.

"Do you think -?" you started to ask, but another bolt of lightning struck down near you and a roaring growl could be heard from the storm that was forming into ... another Elemental.

"I swear to fucking God," you grumbled as you curled up behind the seat, kneeling on the ground in an attempt to hide as you located the tracker.

"This is really not my day," you continued, sifting through to find everything you needed. "Maybe I'll put this in my boarding school essay. 'Yeah I'm tired of being attacked by weird creatures and would just love to come learn about business?'"

"Boarding school?" Ned yelled over the wind. "What boarding school?"

"Everyone get off the bus!" you yelled, your suit materializing around you as you stood. Peter had somehow already put his suit on and was starting to help people off, swinging the last person off as the wind continued to pick up and a lightning bolt struck your bus.

Sparks flew everywhere and people were running and screaming. You flew over your class, watching as they nearly made it off the bridge before another burst hit the edge of the bridge, blocking your class.

"Okay um ..."

"Miss Stark," Sherlock spoke in your ear, "A bus is -"

You barely had a second to react before a double decker bus came careening towards you, slamming into you and throwing you through the air.

You heard some of your classmates screaming, and you groaned as you righted yourself in the air and shook your head.

"God he is such a bitch," you mumbled as you landed and dusted yourself off.

"Okay everyone behind the bus!" you yelled, using the bus as a barricade to place your classmates behind. "Do not step out from behind here! Understood?"

"Where's Peter?!" someone yelled and everyone started frantically looking around.

"He might have run the opposite direction. I'll make sure to look for him!" you called over your shoulder before taking off towards what you figured was the eye of the storm - Quentin Beck himself.


"Yeah. Here," Peter said, swinging into view. He had barricaded the other side of the bridge, carrying people to safety who were injured, and avoiding large gusts of wind and lighting that seemed to be randomly attacking everywhere.

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