Chapter Twelve

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"Don't worry so much, brat." Ibiki-sensei shakes his head as he looks from the papers. "They are good shinobis."He adds and sighs. "They will come soon."

"It's been more than month." I whimper and look down, fear clenching my heart tightly. I know that it is too early to worry about it, but certain things changed, altered. And I don't want to risk it. I can't let Shisui die. I can't let Itachi kill off his clan. I can't let Danzo win. Not now. Not ever.

"Listen here, brat." Ibiki-sensei sighs and leans forward. "Tell you what. We are done for today." I blink at him confused. "Go out in the part. befriend people your age." He chuckles and shakes his head. "Go." I nod and leave his office, not needed to be told twice.


"Monster." Someone shouts. I tilt my head and start walking towards the source of the sound. Naruto is sitting on the swing, his head down, tears pooling in his eyes. My heart breaks at his sight. Other children are circling around him, bullying him.

"Hey!" I jump in the circle before I can comprehend what I am doing. Naruto looks up at me, his eyes wide. "Why are you bullying him?" I demand in strict tone, calm, yet dangerous. The one Ibiki-sensei uses at the beginning of interrogation.

"What do you want, Forehead?" One of the children steps forward. I can detect this ridiculous color and voice everywhere. Amy. I have hated her for most of my life. And now, that I am not around, she is bullying Naruto. Naruto.

"Who are you?" I ask in surprise and tilt my head innocently. "And my name is Sakura, not forehead."

"Leave them." Naruto grabs my sleeve. "They will bully you, too." He mumbles and looks down. My heart clenches once again. I can't let anyone harm him. I can't let anyone to land a finger on him.

"Don't worry about me." I grin and turn back to children. "Now, I suggest you leave us alone, before it got ugly." I demand and flare my chakra, hoping that one of my senseis are near to detect it.

"Only thing that will get ugly is you, pinkie." Amy growls and steps forward, punching me in the face. I clench my fist, knowing better than to attack them. Instead I flare my chakra once again, taking their kicks and punches calmly.

"What is happening here?" A familiar voice states in angry tone. I look up to see not only Ibiki-sensei and Anko-sensei, but also Shisui-san. I smile brightly at the Uchiha. "Care to explain why you are hitting my brat?" Ibiki-sensei demands in calm, dangerous tone. His KI is running wild, scaring the children. Before they answer, they start running, screaming and crying, leaving us alone with Naruto.

"Thank you." Naruto-kun mumbles as he grabs my sleeve again.

"No worries." I grin at him and put my hand out. "My name is Haruno Sakura." I introduce myself to him with large smile. "Want to be friends?" Naruto looks at me bewildered, not believing that I, someone, might want to be friends with him.

"Uzumaki Naruto." He beams at me and shakes my hand before hugging me tightly. "I want to be your friend." He smiles brightly and grins at me.

"Brat." I look up at Ibiki-sensei, whose eyes are burning me alive. I can feel his growing anger with every passing second. "Why did not you defend yourself?" He asks irritated.

"Because they are civilians." I answer confused. Ibiki-sensei looks at me carefully, while Shisui-san and Anko-san chuckle. Well, Anko-san is more likely cackling, maniacally. "I should not harm civilians, especially if they are residents of Konoha. And especially, if they are weaker than me. It would be abusing my powers." I blink at him.

Ibiki-sensei sighs, annoyance disappearing from his eyes as he just pats my head.

"Okay, Sakura." I look up at him shocked. He has never called me by my name, always calling me brat. "You did a good thing." He smiles down at me. "But next time, I give you permission to defend yourself with something, but not hurt people too much, got that?" I nod and smile at him.

"I am proud of you, Sakura-chan!" Shisui-san runs to me, lifting me up and chuckling. "Oh, who is the little friend we have here?" He asks suddenly, noticing awing Naruto on the ground. He sets me back on the ground and smiles at Naruto.

"Naruto-kun." I smile at blonde and look back at Shisui-san. "He is my new best friend."

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