Chapter Twenty-Two

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"What are you thinking about, Forehead?" Ino sits next to me. She looks tired. Unmotivated. As if she has already given up. But I don't blame her. She has just witnessed how Choji was taken away by the Ten-Tailed Beast.

"Do... Do you remember our last day at the academy?" I ask with soft smile. Ino nods, laughing humorlessly at the memory. "How... How happy I was to be put with Uchiha." I mumble and shake my head. I put my face in my hands and sigh. I can't cry. Not now. I have shed enough tears for Uchiha. I have spent days and night crying about him, wishing him to come back home. To us. To me. I was willing to give him my everything. I was willing to give everything, I could. Yet, he left. He left me. He kept breaking my heart over and over again, until there was nothing left. And now. Now he is back. And he wants to put together my heart.

"Do you still love him forehead?" Ino's question startle me. I look at my best friend, but she is only smiling softly at me. Her eyes are dull, sad and happy at the same time. She looks different. She is different. She grew up. Changed. But we all have changed. You don't really have a choice about it, when you are at never ending war.

"Yes." I nod and look down at my hands. I feel ashamed. "But it does not mean anything. We will not be together. And, I have other dreams. Other goals. While he just needs a family and someone to restore his clan."

"Crap!" I shout loudly, jumping up from my bed and hurriedly getting dressed. I run down the stairs, only to stop by the kitchen and growl at Ibiki. "Where is Naruto?" I ask in defeated tone.

"He already left." Ibiki looks at me confused. "I thought you left early as usual, brat." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't think Iruka will be happy if you are late." I growl at Ibiki once again, before running outside.


"You are late, forehead!" Ino shouts agitated as she waits for me at the entrance of the academy. I shrug as we make our way towards the classroom. When we step inside what I witness only brings smile on my lips. Naruto and Sasuke are kissing. Again.

I start laughing again, some of the Sasuke's fan girls growling at me. Even Ino has fainted at that sight. I look at Hinata, who has fainted as well. But I continue laughing as hard as possible, until Iruka-sensei steps in the classroom.

"Sakura, I would appreciate if you went on your seat." Iruka sighs at us and I smile as I skip to my seat between Sasuke and Naruto.

"Today we will be announcing your teams." Iruka starts with tired tone and smiles. He starts talking, but I am not really listening to him, until familiar number pops up. "Team seven... " I smile at him and look at my boys. "Uchiha Sasuke." Girls start squealing, all of them dreaming to get on Sasuke's team. "Haruno Sakura." I smirk at others and grin. "And Uzumaki Naruto." I fist bump with Naruto and hug both of them together. Naruto returns the hug, while Sasuke mumbles something, faint blush tainting his cheeks.


"Haruno Sakura?" Kakashi asks surprised. The name gains attention of several Jonins in the room. Everyone has heard about the little, pink beast of T&I. Legends and rumors have been travelling in different wings of Konoha. People knew about a small girl, who saved Shisui Uchiha's life and eye. About girl, who helped bring Danzo down.

"She is to be put with Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke." Third nods and looks back at his papers.

"Hokage-sama." One of the Jonins steps forward, nervousness visible on his face. "Will it be sensible to put Junchuriki, Second born Uchiha and prodigy on the same team, which would be leaded by Kakashi-san?" He asks a bit nervous.

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