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It was an awkward moment of silence as I shyly glanced away from the boys' prompting stares. It was overwhelming to suddenly be in all of their presences.

"Hey y/n." Jimin's soft voice permeated throughout the room and it sounded soothing against my ears.

"H-hi." I glanced up to see the guys still crowding around my door.

"So... what's going on here?" Namjoon asked for the group.

I tensed and noticed Yoongi tense as well.

"Well- I left my keys!"

I instantaneously facepalmed at Yoongi's obvious panic.

"Hyung... you don't use keys." Jungkook crossed his arms in confusion.

"What are you actually doing here?"

"Well I- You see... You know what, you answer them." He lightly tapped my shoulder and gave me a half-hearted shrug.

"Wha- Hey! You were the one who said you'd handle this!"

"No, I said I had an excuse. You were in charge of plan B."

"No I wasn't! You're supposed plan A should've been foolproof. You failed right away."

"Yeah so now it's time for plan B. Initiate it now!"

I nervously glanced over to the guys to see some of them shaking their heads and others looking even more confused.

"You guys are the worst at lying." Namjoon let out a drawn out sigh as he dragged his hand down his face.

"I never checked the 'really good liar' box in the gene pool selection sheet. I was randomly assigned these damn traits." I threw my hands up exasperatedly as Yoongi let out a choked cough to hold in his laugh.

"Is this really what our conversation has come to?"

"Ah geez! I don't even know. Go home, I need to rest." I dropped my hands and pouted.

"Hold on, answer our question. Why are you here Yoongi, and why did you both miss all your classes today?"

Yoongi and I met gazes and silently urged the other to speak.

"Yoongi. Answer the question." At Jin's demand, Yoongi instantly gulped and looked over to the group who took a couple steps further into my living room.

"I- well. I apologized. And I fell asleep."

"The details you gave were so realistic and vivid that I can almost imagine the whole scene play by play!" Jimin sarcastically spoke and even waved his hands in the air in a mystical way to increase his mockery. Yoongi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. I noticed he does that a lot when he gets defensive.

"He really did. We both accidentally fell asleep last night."

"Are you sure?" Jin gave me an apprehensive look to assure that I was telling the truth. I nodded in response and he let out a breath.

"That's good. That's good." Namjoon mumbled under his breath as he stared at the two of us inquisitively.

"Does that mean you've made up yet?" Taehyung's hopeful voice reverberated through the air as he took an excited step forward.

"Ah, well here's the thing. Look, I realized that there were misunderstandings and rushed actions taken throughout these past weeks." I took a breath as all their attention was solely focused on me.

"And I know that you all are trying your best to apologize to me." They all seemed to subconsciously lean forward towards me.

"But I think that the only way to make it up towards me is to prove you mean it over time. I understand that you are all trying, but I don't think I can fully forgive you guys right away. For now, I think we should just resume to where we were before this mess. However, I'm going to have more freedom. If I so choose to hang out with the girls, I will. Let's all just settle on friendly interactions as we did before. We're all technically adults, so let's resolve this maturely."

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Where stories live. Discover now