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Jimin was currently being praised and comforted by the others while Jin was inspecting my cheek for damage. I hissed as he pressed the damp cloth against the area and immediately tried to shift away, but he tightened his hold on my chin and forced me to still. I looked up at him with a pout as he shot me a serious glance.

"Damn, she did a number on you. It'll sting a bit when I apply the towel, but bear with it."

I only frowned harder as he edged the cloth closer to me. I shut my eyes tight with a grimace as I felt the stinging from the area as he pressed down a bit too hard, but he apologized soon after and lightened his touch. My eyes shot open once I felt a hand wrap around my own and I directed my gaze towards the male who gave me an empathetic smile.

"You're doing so good. I'm sorry she hurt you."

"It's okay. At least she was caught red-handed. Then again, I so badly wanted to slap the living daylights out of her, but the damn cameras were there."

Jimin let out a small giggle as I went to smile but tensed as I felt the cloth dig into my cheek.

"Looks like there thankfully won't be any major bruising, but the area will be sensitive and reddened for a while. I'd recommend not applying too much pressure on it, love."

"Damn, and I was really planning on shoving my face against my pillow in utter frustration but that'll have to wait."

Jin ruffled my hair a bit which caused me to whine and set it back with a huff. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss upon my forehead before gently removing his hold from my chin and telling me to stay put while he spoke with Jungkook. I let out a thumbs up before noticing a nudge against me. Turning to face Jimin, he already reached over to interlace our hands.

"I'm really sorry for everything back there. You shouldn't've been involved or gotten hurt. I wish I came to find you sooner. I hope she didn't say anything that went too far."

"No- well yes. She tried to accuse me and Jungkook of somehow cheating on you with each other, which doesn't make sense, but she just attacked us both and I felt the need to talk back. I just can't believe her audacity."

"Yeah, it takes a lot to rile that big of a response out of her."

I let out a hum and we sat for a moment in silence. I played through the whole scene in my head and felt overwhelmed by the events that occurred. Then I began to recall Jimin's words and slowly turned to look at him.

"Hey, Jimin?"

"Yes, buttercup?"

"Are you okay?"

His soft look instantly dampened a bit as he glanced at the others around the room. They were all in their own little conversations which made Jimin let out a soft sigh before turning to me with a small pout.

"Honestly? Not really."

I let out a frown at his candid response, but nevertheless responded, "D-do you want to talk about it? You definitely don't have to but-"

Jimin suddenly jerked me up by our interlaced hands and sneakily tugged me towards the adjoining bathroom. We easily slipped in, hopefully unnoticed, and I moved to lean against the sink's counter as he settled against the door with his eyes closed. A soft sigh escaped his lips while I patiently stood to the side, giving him his space.

It wasn't long before his eyes shot open and he sent me a vulnerable look. I was shocked to see how timid his expression looked as he bit his lip and glanced around in thought, before treading towards me with slow steps.

"Look, I know you learned a lot from that encounter. Some things that I haven't even revealed to the others yet."

I let out a small nod as he stopped a bit in front of me. Scratching the back of his neck with one hand, he avoided eye contact before looking up.

It's a Little Complex? 『BTS ✘ Reader』Where stories live. Discover now