06, life is a broken record

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THE TWO TEENAGERS STOOD FROZEN on their spot. Beck leaves a trail of green smoke where they'd seen him fight against the beast. The elemental comes screeching to a halt and falters for a moment before it collapsed down on the ground. Alex looked at the Ferris Wheel creak dangerously from behind them as they saw Beck's body lie in the middle of a decently-sized carter. Peter and Alex dart forwards Beck's body, who laid there unconsciously.

''Mr. Beck?'' Peter questioned with fear in his voice. He turned the man over on his back when she sees him move. The two of them helped him to his feet as he left out a painfully groan. They ease him down carefully as Alex heard footsteps from behind. Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Dimitri emerge from their cars as they had just parked on the side of the plaza. ''So, it's over?'' Maria questioned.

''That was the last of them,'' Beck confirmed with a relief.

''But not the last threat we'll ever face,'' Fury told them. ''We need to stay vigilant, there's a void in this world for someone like you, Hill and I are going to Europol headquarters in Berlin tomorrow, you should join us,'' Beck pushes himself up to his feet and shakes the former director's hand. ''Thank you, I might just take you up on that,'' Nick's head slowly turned before he approached the two teenagers. ''You got gifts, Parker,'' He spoke as he looked towards Peter. ''But the two of you didn't want to be here,'' Fury referred to Alex

''Mr. Fury, I-''

''I'd love to have you two in Berlin,'' He interrupted him as Alex's eyes widened. ''But you two have got to decide whether you're going to step up or not, Stark chose you, he made you an Avenger,'' Fury replied as he looked sternly towards Peter.

''I need that, the world needs that, maybe Stark was wrong,'' Nick paused as he looked between them. ''Was he? The choice is yours,'' He finished. Peter and Alex watched Fury walk away in silence as he had the goggles flipped upward. ''Hey,'' Alex replied, softly when she noticed his tears. She smiled slightly when he turned his head as her face washed over with sympathy. ''It's okay, don't pressure yourself into anything you don't want to do,''

''You guys up for a drink?'' Quentin spoke as they looked at them with a frown. ''I'll pass, but thank you,'' She chuckled as he gave her an understanding nod. ''Peter? What about you?'' He questioned as Peter almost glanced towards Alex as if asking for permission. ''I'm not twenty one,'' He stammered as she chuckled. ''Go, I'll be fine, I'll see you later at the hotel, Okay?'' She replied as he nodded and squeezed her hand one last time as they separated their ways.

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Quentin and Peter walked into a bar as they sat on the chairs while Peter sipped onto his lemonade while Quentin had his beer. ''Hey,'' The boy turned towards Quentin as he clapped his shoulder proudly. 'We gotta celebrate, you did something good tonight,'' Peter rubbed his eyes before he held his glass with both of his hands. ''Fury was right, he did a lot for me so, I owe it to him, to everyone, to Alex too,'' Quentin narrowed his eyes. ''Do you?'' he asked him as he raised his eyebrow.

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