You're a nice looking bandit|•|Sheriff Thompson x Bandit! Sassy! Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

Another day of stealing gold from the bank, alone. Being a bandit is fun, stealing valuables from citizens, shooting people to taunt them, being rich from the money I stole, life is great.

But, there's this one guy, that tries to stop me and put me to jail. Who else? It's the one and only Sheriff in town.

Sheriff Thompson is fun to pick on, even though he has the power to arrest me. He shouts "Get back here!" and I obviously went away quickly with my sweet horse, laughing. He may be my foe, but I think he's adorable.

It was nighttime, and I think its the best time for me to steal from the bank again.

I walked out of my house, and went to get my horse.

"How 'ya doin sweets? Let's do crime tonight." I smiled at my horse, giving her a little pat on the stomach.

and so we rode our way to town.

The town's breeze was cold, and the only lights on were the streetlights. They are all sleeping, so I have to be stealthy. I dismounted on my horse and tied her on a nearby fence, and went to the bank's back door.

I knew the locks in this town, so it was easy enough for me to open this place. As soon as I unlocked it, I opened the door, making a creaking sound, and stepped in.

When I stepped in, I was greeted by a gun cocking.

"Good evening miss, came to get your gold? Well you aint gettin' any tonight." He said.


He caught me.

Sheriff Thompson was having an intense eye-to-eye moment with me. He raised his gun, and I stared at him. And to be honest, he's lookin' really hot even under the moonlight.

Then I laughed.

"Well if it isn't the one and only Sheriff. How are 'ya?" I grinned, walking towards to him.

"I will be fine as long as I lock you in."

"What are you? A sheriff? or a slut-finder? because when you said that, it seems.... off. Without the context, you see." I gave him a smug face while he's still raising his gun up to my face.

I walked past him casually. "Well, if you don't mind
me, I'll go get the shit I needed then I'll go."

Smiling, I went upstairs to get the gold. Oh how weak is this Sheriff? Letting a bandit be? Wow.

I walked towards the gold and then,

I was pulled back.

I fell on the floor, face down, and I felt my hands being locked in handcuffs.

Well that's a clever move, sheriff. I'm impressed.

"Let's get you to where you really belong, (Y/N). And your horse will be staying with the cows." sheriff thompson said.

He picked me up, and escorted me to his Office.


Sheriff Thompson's POV

This woman may be crazy, but there's something that keeps me from really being a sheriff. I have no idea what it is, but it's making my heart thump louder and faster than before.

I locked her in the cell, next to my desk, so I can keep a good eye on her.

"You call this jail?" she scoffed.

"Do you want to be put into life sentence to make your life exciting?" I replied.

"uh, yeah. I'd rather be in a better and spacious cell than this." She took off her overcoat, and threw it to the bars.

She looks nice.

"You're a nice looking bandit, I must say." I blurted out. I gasped and covered my mouth. Watch your mouth, Thompson.

She laughed again, but this time, it wasn't wicked like before. she's almost giggling. My face went red after hearing that.

"aweee the sheriff's blushing! what're you gonna do, confess your love to me?" She mocked.

Well shit, she really guessed it correctly.


Her laughing stopped, and looked at me softly.

"Wait, what?" she questioned. She was unsure if I really like her.

I sighed, there's no turning back now. I have to tell her the truth. "It's true." I answered.

"since when?"

"a few months ago"


I nodded, the color red covering my face up.

she sat there in silence, looking around the room like she is lost and is very aware of it.

She took a deep breath and said,

"I do too."

My face lit up and looked at her. "You must be joking, right?"

"No. I'm serious." she said confidently.

I walked in to the cell and sat down right next to her. She pulled me into a hug.

"I love you, you asshole. I know we're not supposed to be a math because i'm a bandit and you're a sheriff in this town. But please, I may be sassy and shit, but I still have a soft spot for you." and she went silent.

I smiled and brushed her hair gently replying,

"I love you too, (Y/N)."


Word Count: 835.

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