Late Night Drive|•|Future Tom x Reader

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(Y/N)'s POV

"I'm gonna get some fresh air. Alright?" I said while leaving the house. "Please be home soon, (Y/N)!" Edd shouted, then I slammed the door.

It's been 4 years since Tord took over the country. Or should I say, Red Leader? He ruined our lives. Especially the fact that we were mutuals. He gave Matt a broken chin, while we replaced it with a metal version of his chin. He banned cola nationwide, which made Edd insane. He made me much more aggressive than before. And, because of him, Tom is nowhere to be seen.

The five of us were the best of friends until Tord left. Sure, when Tord left there were four of us, enjoying each other's company. And now, he is back. He is now a cold "leader", telling us we are all under the Red Army's control. His control.

During the war, we fought for our lives. Stole guns, forced to eat the processed food we found and killed a few soldiers from his army.

Tom is my closest friend out of the four. He's sarcastic, fun to be with, and overall attractive. He meets my standards of what my soulmate should be like. He knows how to fight, and he even attacked Tord with his harpoon gun, which we didn't know would be useful in that kind of situation.

I remember we sought shelter and we stayed in a diner we once used to eat at. We were all scared. I remember Tom telling me these words "Hey, as long as you're with me you're gonna be fine and safe."  I also remember looking up at him, and he's showing me a caring smile. He hugged me tight,

Stayed silent,

and then we heard gunshots and lasers approaching us.

Matt couldn't handle his fear and just shrieked. The soldiers shot bullets in our direction and we knew we had to split up. I got up and ran to the storage room, alone. When the gunshots are gone, I peeked outside to see Matt crying silently, Edd in total shock, and no sight of Tom.

That was the last time I saw him, anyway.

I stepped into the car, turned the keys, and started to drive to a hill. The hill is where I used to have a late-night chat with Tom. He would bring Susan to practice while talking to me. Well, since we are 'under the Red Army's control', I have to be careful. Tord has set up a curfew for the citizens to follow. If the soldiers caught you roaming around town past that time, you'll either be given a warning, or they'll give you a small bullet in the head.

I parked to a familiar spot me and Tom always picked. It's not really at the very top of the hill, but it's somewhere near the peak.

As soon as I stopped the car, I rested my back and cried.

The main reason why I'm here is the frustration of not getting Tom out of my head.

For years, I grew feelings for him. Edd found out about it a few months after the feelings blossomed and kept it a secret pretty well. 

I cried and cried and cried, letting the anger and sadness out of my veins.

"When will he come back?"

I calmed down. rested my head against the wheel. And the next thing I knew,

There was a knock on the car window.

I lift my head back up and rolled the window down, revealing a familiar person.

He has spiky hair, round face, but with....glowing goggles?

He then spoke in a familiar voice,

"Miss we need you back in your household or you will be-"

He was cut off, staring at me, and started to tear up under his goggles.

Wait, could it be?

Tom's POV

I was cut off by the familiar features of this woman. (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) orbs glistening under the moonlight, her sobs, is that,


It is her. Oh my God, it's her!

She stared at me with shocked eyes.

"Tom?" She guessed.

I smiled and nodded. She opened the door and gave me a big warm hug. The hug that made me fall to my knees, the hug I've been longing to get since I was taken in by the Army. I instantly hugged back, and she sobbed.

"I missed you, idiot! Where have you been?" (Y/N) asked with concerned eyes.

"I basically got drafted by Tord. And now I've got no choice but to work for him. But don't worry, I'm about to retire in 2 months." I gently caressed her skin, full of bruises. This concerned me so badly. "What happened to your face? Why are there bruises on your baby skin?" I worriedly asked. She placed her hand on the bruise on her cheek and chuckled. "This? This was from the war. I got into a fight with one of your soldiers, who is completely weaponless." I'm surprised. The girl I adored and knew for being a scared, pure angel, became a brave fighter? This made me fall in love with her more than I did.

"You know I care about you, right? I've been so aggressive ever since you were taken away from us. I've killed a few of your soldiers if that's alright with you." She looked down. I grinned and got up, "Well, I've never liked my soldiers. So it's completely fine with me." We laughed for a good minute.

"Now, as I was saying, you should go back to Edd and Matt because it's past the curfew, you know? I'll have to give you a warning or a gunshot if you disobey. It's kind of scary and tight nowadays since Tord is in control." I informed her while helping her get up. 

"Alright. I've calmed down anyways." She stepped back in the car and started the engine. She looked up at me, "Promise me we'll see each other again soon, 'kay?" She held out her pinky. We used to do pinky promises, I remember myself being so pissed because I thought that 'pinky promises' are for children. But now, I see that as a true seal for a promise.

My pinky linked with hers, "I promise." We gazed at each other, and she rolled her window up. I smiled at her and then my mind was like 'Thomas, this is your chance to confess to her. Don't fuck it up.' My mind was right.

I knocked on the window again, and she once again rolled it down. Sticking her head out grinning, "What do you want now, Tom?" And then I did it.

I kissed her, the kiss was filled with passion. I pulled back, and there were stars in her eyes. "I love you, (Y/N). Ever since I laid my eyes on you I already knew that I'm gonna love you for eternity. Boy was I right. And, if you have feelings for me too, will you be mine?" I rubbed my neck in embarrassment.

She smiled, like an excited smile. "I love you too Tom, the reason why I'm here is to let my frustration out. I was frustrated because I kept on thinking about you. And of course. I would love to be yours." She stuck out her arms and hugged me once more. I asked her, "Are you free tomorrow morning? My shift ends at 5 and I was wondering if I can take you out for breakfast at 8." 

"Like a date?" She asked.

"Not 'Like a date', it is a date." I responded.

She nodded happily. "Well, I have to go now." She waved goodbye, and I did too.

Then she drove off.

I chuckled to myself. 

"Boy, I love her so much."


Word count: 1311

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