•chapter eleven•

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Making my way to the library was a very annoying and agonizing trip. Danny would talk non-stop. I didn't want to very rude, and be like:

"Hey! Stop talking. it's sorta annoying..." Because I'm not that mean...

"Anyway, Daddy-o got me this new convertible. Perfect for dates." He winks at me.

I go to swing open the library door, but Danny beats me to it and pulls open the door for me. Not wanting to be impolite I give a small but noticeable "thank you".

We enter and I go head straight to the non-fiction section. Our book has to be nonfiction-fiction this month. We usually alternate between fiction and nonfiction. Nonfiction is my least favorite.

Danny blabbers on and sadly yet successfully gets a reaction out of me-which is his whole purpose for why he teases me.

I skim through the books, completely ignoring Danny. I spot a book about planets and pick it up. I look around and see the library is basically empty.

That's when Lucas walks in. His tall figure looks funny against the small book shelves. I can see his blonde hair bobbing up and down as he walks. That also looks silly. I wonder what it's like to be that tall.

I look away hoping he didn't see me totally stare at him.

"I saw that Red! I'm a jealous man." He jokes on.

Rolling my eyes I head towards the fiction side of the library, for my own personal book. Heading to my favorite, realistic fiction section, I skim through the books in hopes of something exciting to excite my boring life.

"Get this Red." Danny says, handing me a book called "Teens and STDS."

I look at it and scream dropping it.

"Ew Danny! Why would I need that!"

He laughs at me and picks the book up and skims the words and sentences. He begins to tell me the grossest facts I definitely didn't need to know.

"Oh crabs!"

"Danny stop!" I shush him. His voice is practically booming in the hushed library.

"Hey!" Lucas whispers.

"Are you talking to my Red?" Danny asks him.

"Red??" Lucas says confused looking between us.

"Ignore him. He likes to pretend that he likes me and it's annoying and weird." I state.

"Oh..." He scratches his neck confused. "I was going to ask if you wanted to hangout after school? I could show you a few tricks and we could get burgers and shakes and stuff." He gives a toothy smile.

"Sure!" I smile back enthusiastically.

"Great." He beams back at me. He turns on his heel and walks out with a book in his hand.

"I don't like him Red." Danny grunts as he watches Lucas walk away.

"Danny you don't get a say in anything."

We check out our books, and Danny ends up getting the STD book just to gross me out in the halls.

He calls it informative. I call it gross.

"Class is almost over. Where did you guys go?" Jason asks as we walk back in. He wiggles his eyebrows in anticipation.

"Oh, you know... just the janitors closet." Danny replies with a shrug

"You're such a pig Danny. We just bumped into someone." I say nonchalantly.

"Do you have a crush on him?" Danny asks.

"What no!" I feel my cheeks turn red.

I don't! But when you put me on the spot I'm going to blush.

"Ew you do!" He practically shrieks looking at my cheeks.

"Who?" Jason asks looking between Danny and I.

I look down and rock on my feet feeling awkward. I look back up and see Grey is glaring daggers at me.

what's his problem?


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