•chapter seventeen•

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"wear something nice!" Mom's voice rings in my head.

I stare at my closet and lazily stand to pick a dress to look nice.

I search for a dress when I stumble upon a white sun dress. The straps are tied together to make a bow. I slip on a necklace and decide it is nice enough.

I make my way to the kitchen for a snack and to check on my pie. The kitchen is filled with moms cooking and I know mom is going all out tonight.

"Looks good mom!" I compliment.

"Not as good as your pie! Oh! I think it's almost ready." She smiles at me and looks to the oven.

"Ya I'll on check it." I smile back.

I make my way to the oven and it's perfect. Sliding on an oven mitt, I open the oven door. A heavenly scent spills throughout the kitchen and i'm in love.

Mom taught me the recipe. She was forced by 5 year old me. I was determined to smell that lovely smell all of the time and know that I created that smell.

One time when I was ten I came home early on a half day and decided to make the heavenly pie. Mom was out running errands and dad was still at work, so I thought when they came home they would like a pie!

They didn't get mad at me, but they did tell me not use the oven when they're gone. Thankfully ten year old me didn't burn the house down.

"Yum! I swear you're better at the recipe than me!" My mom says from behind me.

"Did you come up with this recipe?" I ask.

"Oh no! I can't bake to save my life, that's why I stick to cooking. The only reason I know how to make that pie is because it was mandatory for me to master it. Your great great grandma created the recipe and told my mom to pass it on and on. You just wanted to learn it faster than I was going to teach you." She replied, pinching my cheeks.

I finish taking out the pie and place it on the cooling racks. Steam spills from the crevasses of the pie.

I head back to my room and finish whatever studying and homework I needed to have done. Hours go by and I don't even realize the door bell ringing.

"Welcome in!!" I hear my mom's slightly high pitched voice greet.

I hear more and more voices and check my hair before going down the stairs.

"Hi! I'm Mrs. Ridge." Mrs. Ridge greets holding out her hand.

She has grey eyes and dark brown hair that falls into loose beautiful curls. I shake her hand and smile.

I turn and then introduce myself to Mr. Ridge. He has green eyes- that remarkably remind me of Lucas. He also has curly blonde hair and a laid back sorta look.

I look behind them and see Grey.

Clinging onto his leg is a little girl who looks to be around five to six years old. Her hair is dirty blonde and she has dark green eyes.

I look to the left of Grey and see the boy Grey was playing basketball with the other day! Totally not in my stalker mode...

He has light-ish brown hair and green eyes.

I look further to the left and spot... Lucas?


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