•chapter twenty•

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Getting up from my chair I lead Grey to the bathroom.

"It's just down this hall to the left." I say, while looking down.

"Where?" He asks again lowly.

"Just down there."  I say pointing but not making eye contact.

"Show me Violet." He says this time a little raspy.

"Fine." I huff and lead him further away down a hallway where we can no longer be see in. "Right there." I say, still not making eye contact.

Grey's body presses me against the wall and his arms trap me to each side so I can't escape. He bends his neck down to my forehead and whispers, "Why are you ignoring me Violet?"

I shiver slightly at the sound of my name rolling off his tongue.

No one has called me that in years but apparently Grey doesn't do nicknames. I choose to ignore him more and look down at the floor.

"Look at me Violet." He practically commands.

I don't and he grips my chin lightly making it so am forced to look into his eyes.

"I asked you a question Violet."

I gulp and try to figure out how to escape, but I'm trapped by his hand on my chin and the other arm is leaning against the wall with his elbow blocking me.


My breathing goes un-even just by how close we are. I know he hears it.

"Why are you so commanding!" I grow agitated. "And why did you tell me to shut up and now you expect me to answer you!? You are so- so-" I stumble trying to find the right word. "Di-difficult!" I stutter slightly.

He looks to my lips and I'm so confused.

"Are you going answer me!" I mock him.

He doesn't answers and that only makes me more  angry.

"I swear Grey! Stop playing this I-hate-you-but-still-want-you-to-talk-to-you-game! Because I'm tired of it." I push his hand off my chin.


"What!" I say, completely angry.

"I'm-" He stops.

"you're what?" I ask confused. "You know what, forget trying to be friends with you. I have tried to have the simplest conversations with you, but you just seem to not like me and there's nothing that-"

"I'm sorry." Grey says lowly.

"Sorry? For what!" I press.

"for being an asshole to you."

"Good! You finally noticed!" I roll my eyes.

"yeah, yeah." He grumbled.

"If you want we can be friends," I shyly play with my fingers. "But you can't be a-a um- butt anymore!" I force my voice to come off forceful.

His eyes scan down to my hand shake offer and he moves his hands to rest on my hips. "ok." He says in his usual monotone voice.

Suddenly I remember that everyone knows we're missing. They could think I'm killing Grey right now.

"I'll go now. And you should use the bathroom because- I- you know you need-I'm just going to leave." I slip underneath his hands.


"Yes." I fight back."Your parents probably think I'm beating you up!" I laugh.

"or we're-" He starts with a smirk.

"Oh! My pie!" I remember out loud. "See you later- bud." I smile up at him. "Or do you like Buddy? Pal? Friend? How about homeboy? Oh Amigo! No no! Associate!" I beam up at him.

He looks down at me with his usual look of boredom.

"Ok gotta go get the pie!" I walk away.

Grabbing my pie from the kitchen, I enter the dinning room and expect a "Where were you?" or "Why were you gone for so long?" but get nothing. I guess they didn't even notice.

"Oh your pie, she made it!" My mom shows off the pie happily.


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