•chapter thrity nine•

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Sally and Grey make eye contact for a second and she takes that as an invitation. She comes over as Grey munches on his chips mindlessly.

"Hey Grey! I was thinking..." She comes close to his ear.

A little too close.

"No." Grey replies simply.

"Come one Grey, I know you like-"

"Y'all, lets go." Lili erupts. She hasn't noticed Sally glaring at her since she's been looking at her phone for the perfect time.

I reluctantly get up and Grey doesn't even acknowledge me leaving. I get up with a little more attitude then I mean to and walk with a sassy hip sway completely pissed. I'm not a jealous kind of person, but the way she talked to Grey- It- It was a little too close.

"Hey Red." Danny jogs to catch up to me. "Where ya going?"

"Bathroom." I mumble grumpily.

"Oh can I come!" He jokes.

"Funny." I cross my arms over my chest. "No."

We walk into the bathroom and Danny gets lost. Once we are all inside Jamie comes up to me.

"V?" She grabs my attention.

"What." I spit out. Who am? I'm not a jealous person...or hostile either.

"Whoa! V! You're jealous. I don't blame you though." She says. "She was a little close... why didn't you say anything?"

"Because-" Why didn't I? "Be- I just don't want to be a jealous type of girl." I give up.

"I get you." She nods. "You should tell Grey how you feel... communication is key." She winks and goes to the mirror to fix her lipstick.

"I can't wait for Thanksgiving break." Opal groans, jumping on the sink.

"That's this Friday right?" Lili asks.

"And the party!" Jamie reminds us.

"Should be fun." Opal says and gets a cigarette out.

"That looks different." I observe it.

She giggles. I've never heard her giggle!

"It's not a cigarette V." She shrugs.

"Wh-What is it." I come closer to her. I examine it from above below and look at it like some martian.

"Weed." She says nonchalantly.

"Opal! Don't smoke that in school." Lili growls taking about the joint out of her hands.


"Do you want to hotbox a school bathroom?" Lili giggles. "In the van." She shakes it and places it in her purse. "They put smoke detectors anyways." She cross her arms.

A passing bell goes off and Lili tells us it's "Go time." I think she thinks we're in a spy movie. We exit the building and pass through two doors before landing outside. Sprinting to the parking garage we run to the van successfully.

"Shit you guys are slow." Lucas grunts once we get in.

"Shut up!" Lili rolls her eyes.

We drive off towards the mini-golf place and Opal passes around the joint. It comes to me and I'm unsure.

"You don't have to V..." Opal starts.

I take the joint and inhale- a little too much causing me to cough.

"V!" Jamie laughs patting my back while I cough.

"I'm good." I cough out.

The whole van laughs at me.


We get to the mini golf place, and it's so cute! It has flowers everywhere and pastel colored flags. I jump out the van and happily walk to the front desk.

"Hey," The front desk boy with blue hair says. He looks older, like college age.

"Cool hair." I smile waiting for everyone to catch up to the front desk.

"Thanks." He chuckles.

I lean on the front desk and ask "So what made you decide to choose blue?"

"It was a dare." He says in a matter-a-fact tone.

"interesting. What did you lose to?" I giggle.

"It was dare or dare. So it was either shaving my head or dying it blue."

"I wanna d-"

An arm snakes around my waist protectively and I try to wiggle under his grasp to let go. He doesn't budge.

I don't want to be rude, but I'm a little mad at him. Call me jealous because I am! He acted like he didn't even know me. I shouldn't feel like this but Grey makes all my feeling go haywire.

"V!" Opal waves a hand over my face.

I break out of my trance and follow them to the first putt putt golf station.


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