Tenshi no me

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I closed the door behind me and pick up my phone from the desk besides my bed. The phone's light illuminated my dark room and I dialed the number quickly. As I placed the apparatus against my ear, I could hear it beeping. One beep, another beep, a third beep, and a forth one then a lady's voice could be heard on the other end of the line, "9-1-1, how may I help you, please?"

I inhaled a bit of air into my lungs and uttered, "Uhh... yeah... I have a stalker inside my yard."

The lady on the other side of the conversation asked me, "What do you mean by stalker, sir?"

I started wondering how she could not comprehend what the word stalker means but I did not let it show in my tone when I replied to her saying, "I don't know, some guy... some... thing, it's been following me around for some time now. He's been showing up at my yard for a while now, I made him leave using different methods, nothing violent, but he keeps coming here. So I need some help, I guess."

She listened patiently and then made her reply, "You said it's a something, what did you mean by that?"

Me trying to seem as calm as possible while some freak is probably walking around in my house, I said, "Well he's this really pale looking male, no hair, really stoic – unnaturally stoic, and he has these weird kind of yellow colored eyes, huge ones."

The lady on the other side started talking to her colleagues it seemed and after a few moments of muffled talking she spoke into her phone again. She said, "I'm sending the police right your way, could you please tell me what this man is doing at the moment?"

I inhaled deeply again and said, as calmly as I could, "I think he broke into my house a few minutes ago, I went up stairs to the bathroom and while there I began hearing steps, heavy steps coming from the lower floor. So once I was done there, I made my way as quietly as possible to the room I am in currently and locked the door as soundlessly as possible."

The lady on the other side answered to me saying, "Stay with me on the line and try not to panic, okay sir?"

This made me grin a bit and I had told her in response, "I am trying..."

I guess I should go back to the beginning to explain my current situation, so you could understand it better, perhaps even help me. I am your average John Doe, my name, age and location do not matter I believe. I work at a local bar so that means I get back home really late into the night. I live alone and lately I've been having insomnia again. I say again because I have this on and off relationship with the condition. It comes and goes, been that way since my teenage years. I've been told in the past it's probably this because it is related to stress or other psychological issues in my specific case. I got used to it anyway.

As I've already mentioned, I work at a local bar and one night after I finished my shift at around 3 am a bad fog covered the city and you could not make out most features. Luckily, I know about every inch of this place as good as the back of my hand so that was not a problem for me. The thing is that we don't have many homeless people around here so when I came across a guy who seemed pretty homeless to me I was kind of surprised, he was this tall, pale or so I thought back then I couldn't really make out his skin color back then. His eyes, his eyes is what stroke me the most they had this shade of yellow to them, similar to the color of people who have liver diseases. I tried talking to him, but he just walked away on me. Kind of rude, I know, but back then I thought he was doing me a favor by walking away not wanting to infect me with whatever he has.

Such a naïve soul I am.

Anyhow, I carried on home not thinking too much about this homeless guy I came across and the night went on by as usual. Just like always whenever I get my insomniac period I woke up like four hours after going to bed and I was up by 8 am. My day went on as usual and when I was on my way back home after sunset I could see this guy in my yard from the distance, I started running towards my yard. I was going to kick his ass for stepping on my property. He turned around and saw me running towards him and then walk away, he went away behind the building to the side of my house and I don't know, disappeared into thin air when I came after him. When he turned to me, I could see his yellow eyes, those god damn creepy eyes. After I could not find the fucker I went back home and all of this made me wonder, how the hell did he find me? Was he following me the other night?

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