The plague doctor

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It turns out that the plague is still out there, turns out we're not the only ones interested in the disease. I think I should say the diseases in the plural. Apparently, there are three kinds of plague in existence. There is the infamous bubonic plague which infects the lymphatic system, causing a swelling of lymph nodes which leads to the appearance of buboes. Then there are the less visible, far deadlier kinds; pneumonic, and septicemic; infection of the lungs and blood, respectively. I had no idea that there three types of plague honestly.

I've only found that after getting sick with two of the three variants; that's what I think at least.

I was completely fucked up at one point; to the point of hallucinating a bird-headed alien-thing.

For fuck's sake; two of my roommates died from whatever we had. Young healthy men don't tend to die from the flu. Everything's been upside down recently. I don't know what's wrong and what's right. Some days I genuinely think I'm stuck in a dream but I then I snap back into reality.

Zain and Adam's rooms are empty; they are not coming back.

Chris and I didn't make it to the funerals; we told 'em we weren't sure we're clear yet. That was a lie. We just couldn't handle the truth. I'm not sure I still can.

Everything is just so different now.

It all started with the decomposing corpse of a cat Adam found at our doorstep in February. He kind of mentioned it as a side remark during that afternoon; saying he found it when he went out to work and that he tossed it as far away as he could have from the apartment.

Three days later he got down with a stomach bug, or so we thought. It started with stomach aches, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Soon enough he was bedridden, paralyzed with fever. We just thought he was having the flu. It was the season and there was this massive storm raging at the time. It was so bad we'd even lose electricity from time to time.

By the end of that same week, we were all feeling the same supposed flu; my head was constantly pounding and my body felt weak and almost numb. My digestive system went second. I started vomiting like crazy on the second day of my illness. It was so bad I couldn't put anything in my mouth. The mere idea of swallowing made me throw up.

Chris and Zain were complaining of chest pain and difficulty breathing. I mean, I wasn't really surprised; they were coughing so badly one would think they're about to have a lung collapse on them.

On my third day of the illness, all four of us were bedridden, completely incapacitated.

We just stayed in the living room together, and I guess we all got unbearably weak overnight together, probably watching some movie or something. It wasn't about taking care of each other, I mean, of course, we did care for Adam when he was in this alone. Although we didn't really devote all of our time to him and everything just happened so fast and all four of us were basically living corpses in the blink of an eye. I mean, we didn't see the doctor because we all thought we'd be fine and when we knew we wouldn't be just fine it was already too late.

Then the electricity went out of the window due to the crazy storm outside.

I remember jokingly complaining about being kicked out since it seemed like none of us would be able to make any money anytime soon. We all found it so hilarious we laughed until our entire bodies hurt. Not that much eversion was needed to get there. I kept making jokes and fooling around during my waking hours because I was genuinely scared. I've never felt so hurt and weak before. I've never felt so worn out. Hell, I've never been this sick up to this point.Not to mention how I was losing feeling in my legs from time to time and how my feet were all bruised up from, well, nothing really.

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