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3Months Later.

"Why you bouncing on a ball?"King walked into the living room looking at me funny. I rolled my eyes and continued to bounce on the ball.

"Well I'm due any minute now, and I heard that this helps."I answered him eating a jalapeño, and he chuckled at me making me glare over at him.

"And the jalapeños?"He asked plopping down on the couch and turning the game on.

"I also heard that eating something spicy could help bring the baby faster."I answered and he busted out laughing at me.

"Baby, just chill she gone come when she get ready. Don't rush it."He placed his headset on and start playing 2k.

I just rolled my eyes and continued to do what I was doing. I was so ready to not be pregnant anymore, my feet were swollen, my back ached, I was as big as a house, and I kept having Braxton Hicks.

As I ate some more jalapeños Dayquan came through the door and I rolled my eyes as he walked into the living room, "Do you ever just go to your own house?"I looked over at him with a mug and he returned it.

"Keep it up, and you won't be getting nun of my food."He smirked and I stopped bouncing and looked at the bag in his hands.

"What's in the bag?"I looked over at him and he shrugged while going into the kitchen with a smirk on his face. I got off of the ball and walked in behind him.

"I knew yo greedy ass was going to follow me."He laughed before taking the Mexican food out of the bag, "I went and got Moe's."He said handing me my food.

"How you know this my favorite thing from Moe's?"I squinted my eyes at him as I took a bite of my food.

"Yo nigga told me, obviously."He patted my head and walked back into the living room with King.

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my food, "Oouuu."I groaned out feeling a sharp pain hit my stomach.

I walked into the living room holding my stomach, and both Dayquan and King were eating and playing the game with their headsets on.

"King!"I groaned out trying to get his attention.

"Fuck! Quit cheating you bitch!"He yelled out at Dayquan hitting him in the back of the head.

"Man bitch yo defense suck!"Dayquan teased, and I rolled my eyes knocking off their headsets.

"Ken what the hel-"King stopped what he was saying and hopped off of the couch coming over towards me and walking me towards the couch.

"It hurts King!"I cried out as another sharp pain hit my stomach.

"Baby you probably having Braxton Hicks again, just breathe like the doctor said."He kissed my forehead and I start breathing slowly, but it wasn't working.

"Yo' you good? You peeing on yoself and shit."Dayquan scrunched his face up looking down at me, and I realized my water broke.

"That ain't pee you idiot! My water just broke!"I snapped and King jumped up and ran towards the stairs.

"Dayquan help her put some shoes on! I'll be back with the baby bag!"King yelled running up the stairs.

Dayqaun looked down at me and huffed, "C'mon girl."He grabbed my hand and I made sure I squeezed his hand, "Ahhh shit ok ok, chill!"He screamed out and I smirked squeezing his hand some more.

I let go of his hand and pushed him away from me as I struggled to walked over to my slides. King came downstairs and looked at Dayquan funny before running over to me and helping me out.

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