03. Detention

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The basketball team are all in the gym, chatting whilst warming up for an extra practice session run by their captain, EJ Caswell.

"So, dude, you know that musical thing? Is it true you get extra credit for just auditioning?" he asks his best friend.

Gina scoffs and remarks, "Who cares?"

The male murmurs embarrassed, "You know its always good to get extra credit..."

His best friend looks at him like hes insane, "You ever think that Lebron James or Michael Jordan auditioned for their school musical?"


Gina sighs, "EJ, look, the music in those shows isnt hip hop, ok, or rock, or anything like that. Its like show music. Its all costumes and makeup... Oh dude, its frightening," she shudders.

EJ shakes his head, regretting asking his friend about it, "Yeah, I know, I just thought it might be a good laugh, you know? then he adds, Brianne's pretty cute, too."

Gina laughs, "So is a mountain lion, but you dont pet it."

The brunet sighs and call out to his teammates, "All right Wildcats! Pair up! Lets go!"

(sorry I dont really know how to write out the performance of getcha head in the game so imma just ski[p it, but yall know it happened, sorry for anyone who was hoping for an explanation of a big extravagant dance number or something like that!!)

On the other side of the school, Ricky is sitting in his music class playing a chord progression the teacher had written on the whiteboard when a certain blonde comes and sit by him.

"So, it seemed like you knew EJ Caswell."

Ricky shakes his head not looking up from his guitar, "Not really, he was just showing me around."

Brianna giggles, "Well, EJ doesnt usually interact with new students."

The boy look up at the whiteboard still not looking at the girl beside him, "Oh, why not?"

"Well, its pretty much basketball 24/7 with him."

"That should be a G chord..." Ricky mumbles.

The teacher turns around, hearing what the boy said, "Yes, Mr Bowen?"

Ricky chuckles, "Uh, Im sorry, I just... dont you think it would work better if in the chorus it was G chord after the D instead of the E minor?"

The teacher shakes his head, "I dont think so..." he tries it out on his own guitar, surprisingly pleased with how it sounded, "I stand corrected. The teacher then changes it on the board and then turns back to the teenage boy with a smile, Oh and, welcome aboard."

Ricky smiles back at his teacher, pleased with himself while Brianne scoffs, not at all impressed by the exchange.

At the end of the day, EJ is making his way to detention after his last class. He stop at the sign-up sheet for the school musical on the way there and eyes it for a few seconds before moving on, not noticing Seb watching him. As EJ moves on Brianne come along and is pulled aside by her twin.

EJ Caswell was looking at a sign-up sheet, Seb tells her.

She looks at her twin, "Again? You know, he was hanging around that new guy and they were both looking at the list. Theres something freaky about him. Where did he say he was from?"

Seb is staring at the list, not paying attention to his sister. Brianna sighs and struts off as Seb follows her to the library, where Brianne does a search for Ricky Bowen on Google. Since Miss Jenn has their phones, they need to use the computers there. Almost immediately, an article comes up titled, Ricky Bowen, Winner of National Songwriting Contest, "Wow! A Songwriter. So why do you think hes interested in our show?" Seb asks.

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