04. This feeling's like no other

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Back in the gym, Coach Caswell is hyping up the team for the game.

"West High Knights have knocked us out of the playoffs three years running, and now we are one game away from taking that championship right back from 'em! It's time to make our stand. The team is you. You are the team. And this team does not exist unless each and every one of you are fully focused on our goal. Am I clear?"

The whole team looks to their captain, and vice-captain, "Hey, what team?!"


"What team?"




After school, Ricky and Nini are walking together.

"You must be an amazing songwriter to have won that competition. Have you ever thought about being signed by a record label?" Nini asks the boy.

Ricky shakes his head, "No...um, I'm just gonna focus on my studies this semester and help my dad get the new house organized. Maybe next year."


Ricky looks to Nini, "What do you know about EJ Caswell?"

"EJ? Hmm... I wouldn't consider myself an expert on that particular sub-species, however, unless you speak cheerleader, as in," they walk up to a group of cheerleaders and Nini pretends to gush over the basketball captain, "Oh, my gosh! Isn't EJ Caswell just the hottie super bomb?"

Some random cheerleader, "Oh, he's beautiful!" The cheerleaders then continue to talk amongst themselves as the pair walk on.

The girl giggles, "See what I mean?"

Ricky then laughs and shrugs his shoulders, "I guess I don't know how to speak cheerleader."

"Which is why we don't associate ourselves with EJ the basketball guy."

"Well, have you tried to get to know him," he suggests.

Nini sighs, "Watch how it works in the cafeteria tomorrow when you have lunch with us. Unless you'd rather sit with the cheerleaders and discuss the importance of firm nail beds."

Ricky holds up his hands and stares intently at them, "I don't think my nail beds even exist."

Nini holds up her hands, giggling, "Me neither!"

They then laugh with each other as they walk off.

EJ and his father are in their backyard basketball court getting in some after-school practice.

"I still don't understand this whole detention thing," Mr Caswell says as he passes the ball to his son.

The teen groans, "It was my fault Dad, I'm sorry."

"Crosscourt," the adult calls out as he moves, "You know Jenn will take any opportunity to bust my chops. That includes yours too," he says as he shoots a basket.

EJ grabs the ball and turns away from his dad, "Hey, Dad? Did you ever think about trying something new, but were afraid of what your friends might think?"

His dad furrows his eyebrows, "What, you mean like going left? You're doing fine. Come on."

EJ stops playing and turns to face his father fiddling with the ball in his hands, "Well... no. I mean what if you wanna try something really new and it's a total disaster and all your friends laugh at you."

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