05. Just like kindergarden

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The next day, just before lunch, the twins are standing in front of the bulletin board, shocked.

"Callbacks?" the girl exclaims.

Seb reads off the board, "Callback for roles Arnold and Minnie next Thursday, 3:30 pm. Brianne and Sebastian Matthew-Smith, Ricky Bowen and EJ Caswell."

"Is this some kind of joke? They didn't even audition!" Brianne shouts.

Amidst the hysterics, Gina comes and the rest of the basketball team, minus EJ, goes up to the twins, laughing, "What's wrong?" She then looks at the call back sheet, face going pale as if she'd just seen a ghost. "What the hell?"

Brianne then storms off to the cafeteria with her brother in tow, leaving the basketball team.

Brianne is angrily pacing back and forth at her table with the drama club, "How dare he sign up! I've already picked out the colour for my dressing room."

"And he hasn't even asked our permission to join the drama clubs," Seb points out to please his sister.

The girl growls, "Someone's gotta tell him the rules."

"Exactly... And what are the rules?" the other twin asks.

"Ughhhhh," Brianne screams frustrated.

(stick to the status quo scene happens and then everything continues as normal)

Ricky slips on some spilt milk and tosses his lunch tray into the air. The lunch consisting of chilli fries lands right on the queen bee of the school making her scream.

Ricky apologises profusely, trying to remove the food from Brianne who is on the verge of hyperventilating. Nini pulls Ricky away. At the same time, EJ arrives and is stopped by Gina as he tries to see what's going on with his crush.

"You do not want to get into that, man. Too much drama."

EJ looks at her, weirdly before reluctantly sitting down with her.

Miss Jenn then arrives in the cafeteria, assessing the scene. "What is going on here?" she yells noticing her star student covered in food.

Brianne gestures to herself, "Look at this! That Ricky guy just dumped his lunch on me. On purpose! It's all part of their plan to ruin our musical. And EJ and his basketball idiots are obviously behind it. Why do you think he auditioned? After all the hard work you've put into this show. It just doesn't seem right!" She runs off angry, separating to create a path so they don't get in her way.

"What's up?" EJ asks his best friend.

"What's up? Oh, let's see... umm, you missed free-period workout yesterday to audition for some musical. And suddenly people are...confessing," EJ just stares at her puzzled. Max walks by and Gina grabs him, "Yeah, and Max. Max is baking... crème brûlée."

"Oh cool, what's that?" EJ asks.

Max smiles widely and replies excitedly, "Oh, it's a creamy custard-like filling with a caramelized surface. It's really satisfying."

"Shut up, Max!" shouts Gina.

Max turn away dejectedly and joins some skater dudes sitting behind them.

"Look...do you see what's happening here, man? our team is coming apart because of your singing thing. Even the drama geeks and the brainiacs suddenly think that they can...talk to us!" Gina points to the skater dudes who are chatting with Max. "Suddenly people think that they can do other stuff. Stuff that is not their stuff. They've got you thinking about show tunes when we've got a playoff next week." The vice-captain reminds her captain as she leaves.

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