Chapter 12: the one where Emily goes to Paris

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Emily's P.O.V

It was bright sunny morning. I got up pretty early today.

Memories of Chris playing with Bella flashed in my mind. He was so good with her. I wonder how will he be with our kids?? Wait what? Our kids! Where did that come from? Emily what are you thinking these days! Godd..

I got ready for office. I wore navy blue pencil skirt and white shirt. I tied my hair in ponytail.

I was about to leave when Mr. Warner called me. He was managing our company's branch in Paris.

"Good morning Ms Collins. Actually we need your help for one of our client. He is pretty hard to crack but very profitable." He said.

"Okay Mr Warner. When is the meeting?"

"Meeting is on friday. But it would be nice if you could come today itself. As here in marketing department too, employees wanted to have meeting with you."

"Fine no issues. I will be there."

We hung up.

Oh god. Shit. I realised Chris was taking me out on a date on Friday. How can I cancel this. But I can't cancel meeting also. Damnnn.

I thought I will meet Chris in his office then directly I would go to airport.

I quickly packed my lugguage, told mom and dad and left for Chris office.

This time his secretary didn't oppose me on going in.

"May I come in sir?" I asked in tone as if I am his employee.

"Come in." He said with authoritive tone.

I walked in. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even lift his face.

Then may be he must have recognized my voice.

"Emily!! You here!" He said completely surprised.

"Yess. Actually I have to go to Paris for a week. There is some problem in Paris branch. So our date would not happen. So I thought I should meet you and directly go to airport." I said sadly.

"Oh Emily. I was so excited for this date. You broke my heart." Chris said with a sad face.

"I am so sorry Chris. Next week surely we will go on date." I said holding his hand.

"It is okay on one condition. If I am allowed to drop you at airport." He asked.

"I was going to anyway order you that." I laughed.

"Lets go then."

We got off at the airport. I turned to Chris. He was already gazing at me.

"What happened?" I asked couldnt read his facial expression.

He hugged me tightly and said, " I will miss you Emily."

I was lil taken aback but I hugged him back equally and said, " I will miss you too."

He pulled me by my waist. Our faces so close. Our nose touching each other. He asked me through his eyes and I nodded. Slowly our lips met. We kissed passionately. I enjoyed the moment thoroughly. After few minutes we broke the kiss. Our forehead were still touching each other. He gave me lingering kiss on my forehead. It all felt so right.

"Its just a week." I murmured.

"I know. Take care. Call me once you reach."

I nodded, gave a kiss on his cheek and left.

Throughout the journey I was thinking about Chris. There would be no prize in guessing that I have started liking Chris. He is caring, understanding and at times funny. He makes time for me. But I am scared to love. For some reason I know that he wont break my trust but still.

I think I should tell him about Liam. First thing when I return I am going to tell Chris that I trust him and like him.

Looking at him I can say he likes me too.

With that thought I reached Paris.


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