Chapter 23: the where they confess

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Chris P.O.V

Whats wrong with Emily? I was just trying to help Anna and her. But she got so angry. I didn't mean to do something which would lead us to fight. Godd!!

I straight away called up Adam and told him to meet at Starbucks. He can solve my problem. He has more experience of women as he is married.

I was waiting for Adam at the Starbucks.

"Hey bro! Wassup? Why so urgent?"

"Emily and I had a fight." I said.

"Oh so you guys are at the stage of fighting too." Adam laughed it off.

"Adam, be serious for once."

"Says who has no emotion on his face 24/7."

"You may leave because you are not helping me to solve my problem."

"Okay chill. Spill the tea."

I told him whatever happened at the university, our last night call, even about Georgia.

"What do you think? Did I make any mistake or she is overreacting?" I asked.

"With three years of marriage experience, it can be held that you are at fault for the reason that many a times women don't like to be depended on guys. They wish to be independent. And we guys have to respect that Chris. This is what I have learnt through my marriage. It happens with Jess too. Dont worry. Say sorry, take her out, lighten her mood. Everything will be perfect." He gave his speech.

"Well, perks of having a married best friend you see." I chuckled.

"You are next in queue bro!"

" I dont know. I even haven't told Emily that I love her."

"You love Emily?" Adam choked on his latte.

"Yes I do." I said sheepishly.

"Oh my my, my best friend is in love." Adam shouted.

"Believe me Jessica is going to dance all over the house."

I laughed imagining Jess doing that.

"Btw how is Bella?"

"She is good. But misses you. Come over sometime."

"Yes I will. Tell her I love her. Now I gotta go. I have to apologize to Emily."

"Good luck dude."

"Yeah thanks. I needed that." I winked.

I reached Emily's house. I was kinda nervous. Unintentionally I have hurt Emily. I bought her favourite book she told me few days ago that she wanted to purchase it but was not getting time.

I knocked on the door at Mrs. Collins opened the door. I wanted Emily to open the door but anyways.

I smiled and said, " Hi Olivia. How have you been?"

"Hey Chris, I am good. How are you?"

"Well I would be great if I get to meet Emily. Is she at home?"

"Ah yes honey. She is upstairs in her room. Upstairs to the left."


"What would you like to have?"

"Oh please nothing. I just had my starbucks." I politely denied her.

"Oh okay. I will be downstairs if you guys need anything."

I nodded and went upstairs.

I knocked and went inside when Emily said come in.

"Emily." I sighed.

Arranged to Love ❤ (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz